Mini me🥹❤️ (pt.2)

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Neveah's POV

*Phons convo*

Ddot- hey mami

Neveah- hi baby

Ddot- wyd

Neveah- oh nothin just with Jaliyah

Ddot- oh ard.

Neveah- wyd

Ddot- uhh bout to leave the studio in a second

Neveah- oh ok

Ddot- yeah. Ima pick up some food on my way home yu want anything

Neveah- uh wherever yu go can yu just get me a salad

Ddot- a salad?


Ddot- ard I gotchu

Neveah- ok thank yu

Ddot- yu welcome. I'll see yu later

Neveah- ok. Love yu

Ddot- love yu too

*End of convo*

Jaliyah- well

Neveah- he's on his way home

Jaliyah- hey it's ok. Look I got to go but lmk what happens ok

Neveah- I will

Jaliyah- bye boo

Neveah- bye

I just sat in the living room with the pregnancy test in my hand. I'm gonna be a mom. I'm really gonna have a baby.

Abt 20 mins later Ddot came home but I was sleep on the couch

Ddot- ma

Neveah- hm

Ddot- I got your salad

I sat up slowly and grabbed it from him

Neveah- thank yu

He sat on the couch next to me and noticed the test

Ddot- what's that


Ddot- that

It was time

Neveah- ok. So yk how I've been super sick lately

Ddot- yeah

Neveah- and we thought it was a stomach bug or sumn like that

Ddot- mhm

Neveah- well... it's not a stomach bug

Ddot- then what is it

Neveah- it's a mini me

Ddot- a mini me?

And I handed him the test

Neveah- I'm pregnant

The room was silent like real silent

Neveah- Darrian

Ddot- I'm a dad! I'M GONNA BE A DAD WTF

Neveah- wait are yu happy abt it

Ddot- happy? Man I'm excited I don't know how to describe it. Where gonna have our own family

I stood up and he gave me a tight hug

Neveah- ok ok not too tight

Ddot- oh my fault. How far are yu anyway

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⏰ Last updated: 9 hours ago ⏰

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