The Aftermath

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Chapter 6:

:The Morning After

The next morning, the atmosphere in the common room was thick with an awkward silence. Sunlight peeked through the blinds, illuminating the aftermath of last night's chaotic movie night. Blankets were strewn across the floor, empty bags of popcorn lay forgotten, and the movie credits had long since finished scrolling.

But the real tension lay between Paige, Dior, and their now very awake and very nosy teammates. Paige stretched on the couch, blinking groggily. Dior was still beside her, equally sluggish, but both were acutely aware of the five pairs of eyes watching them with burning curiosity.

Ice was the first to break the silence, looking at Paige with a mischievous glint. "Sooo... Did you guys enjoy the movie?" she asked, trying (and failing) to hide her smirk.

Paige rubbed her face, sitting up and trying to play it cool. "Yeah, sure," she muttered, avoiding Ice's eyes.

Azzi, who had been silent up to this point, finally chimed in. "You were enjoying something else by the looks of it."

Nika, who was never one to miss an opportunity for teasing, leaned forward. "Come on, Bueckers. You seriously thought we wouldn't notice you and Dior going at it under the covers?"

Aubrey grinned, shaking her head. "You guys weren't exactly subtle."

Awkward Revelations

Paige's face turned crimson, and she tried to laugh it off. "It wasn't like that!" she protested, shooting a glance at Dior for backup.

Dior, surprisingly calm, met Paige's gaze and simply raised an eyebrow. "It wasn't?"

Paige's heart skipped a beat as Dior's teasing smile sent a wave of warmth rushing through her. She cleared her throat, but the damage was done. The teasing had already ignited a fire among the girls.

"Ohhh, okay, it was definitely like that," Kk said, leaning back with a satisfied grin. "Paige, we always knew you had game, but last night? You really stepped it up."

Paige groaned in embarrassment, burying her face in her hands. "Please stop."

But Ice, Azzi, and Nika were on a roll, exchanging knowing looks.

"Should we talk about the neck thing?" Nika teased, smirking as Paige's face flushed even deeper.

"Oh, yeah, the neck thing," Ice echoed, making a dramatic sucking sound. "That was... intense."

Paige, unable to take it anymore, shot up from the couch. "Okay, that's enough," she said, trying to sound stern but unable to hide the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

:Confronting the Situation

As Paige headed towards the kitchen to grab some water, Dior followed her, leaving the others in a fit of giggles. The tension between them was still there, but it felt less intense now—like a weight had been lifted.

Dior caught up with Paige, leaning against the counter as Paige poured herself a glass of water. "You okay?" Dior asked, her voice soft and genuine.

Paige took a sip, nodding. "Yeah. I just... wasn't expecting that level of teasing," she admitted with a small laugh. "They're never gonna let me live this down."

Dior shrugged, stepping a little closer. "You'll survive. Plus, you kinda brought it on yourself, Miss 'I could've taken that bikini off.'"

Paige choked on her water, coughing as she shot Dior a glare. "You heard that?"

Dior smirked. "Oh, I heard everything. You weren't exactly being subtle."

Paige rolled her eyes, a sheepish grin spreading across her face. "Okay, maybe I was a little too... bold."

Dior's teasing smirk softened, and she took another step closer, her presence filling the small space between them. "I didn't mind," she said quietly, her voice laced with sincerity.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The teasing and laughter from the common room seemed to fade as Paige and Dior stood there, inches apart. Paige could feel her heart pounding, her mind racing with everything that had happened over the last few days.

"What happens now?" Paige asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

:The New Beginning

Dior's eyes flicked up to meet Paige's, her expression thoughtful but calm. "I guess we figure it out," she replied. "We're not the same kids who hated each other back in middle school."

Paige smiled softly at that, her fingers brushing lightly against Dior's arm. "No, we're not."

As they stood there, the tension between them shifted, no longer filled with the awkwardness of the past but with the promise of something new—something real.

Before Paige could say anything else, Dior leaned in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to Paige's lips. It wasn't rushed or passionate like last night, but slow and deliberate, as if they were both savoring the moment for what it was—a new beginning.

When they finally pulled apart, Paige couldn't help but grin. "You know they're gonna freak when they find out."

Dior chuckled, her eyes twinkling. "Let them. We're their new favorite topic anyway."

Paige laughed, shaking her head. "True."

As they walked back into the common room, hand in hand, their teammates immediately broke into applause, hoots, and whistles, but this time, Paige didn't mind. This time, she was ready to face whatever teasing came her way—with Dior right beside her.

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