A Great Day

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Thorfinn sat by Lagertha's bedside, her hand resting gently in his. The room was quiet, save for Bjorn's soft breathing as he slept soundly on the bed beside her. Lagertha was still recovering, her wounds not fully healed despite the magic Thorfinn had used. His abilities had their limits, and she needed time to rest. Thorfinn's mind was already on the journey ahead. He wanted to leave soon. It took most people a week to march to Darkmoon Forest, but Thorfinn was planning to do it in four days on horseback, perhaps less if he pushed himself hard enough.

Lagertha stirred, her voice soft but filled with worry. "Make sure they all get home safely... please," she pleaded. Thorfinn had told her what he believed the Jarl planned, and since then, she hadn't slept well. Rarely did she ever worry about Ragnar, for they all sought a good death. It was part of their way of life. But being torn apart by the Ulfhednar, savage wolves in men's form, was not an honorable end. Dying because of the Jarls schemes was something Lagertha could not bear for her husband and their friends.

"I will make sure they all return," Thorfinn reassured her, his grip tightening on her hand. He had prepared well—daggers coated in silver, a large amount of oil that would catch fire easily and cling to the skin of the beasts. He'd packed everything into Skíðblaðnir, his divine ship in the form of a cart, with Magnus' own horse harnessed to it. With the magic of the ship, Thorfinn doubted it would slow him down at all.

Lagertha groaned slightly, her hand instinctively going to her side, wincing in pain. "Be careful too," she said, her voice strained. "Rebekah is waiting for you. Her love for you is a rare thing, a once-in-a-lifetime gift. Don't throw it away by dying too quickly."

Thorfinn nodded, concern etched on his face. "Shall I get you something for the pain?" he asked.

Lagertha nodded, and Thorfinn immediately grabbed his satchel. He pulled out a few herbs, grinding them together before mixing them with water in a small pot over the fire. After a few moments, he returned to her side with a cup of the mixture, supporting her head as he helped her drink. "This will make you sleep and numb the pain," he said softly, his hand gently holding the back of her neck.

She smiled weakly as she finished the cup, her eyes fluttering as sleep began to overtake her. "Thorfinn... I worry for you," she murmured. "I wish we could've stayed on our farm... I wish we all could've stayed there."

Thorfinn gave her a sad smile. "I wish the same sometimes," he replied, his voice low. "But rest now. I'll make sure everyone comes home." He kissed her hand gently before standing and leaving the room. In the main hall, Storri was speaking with one of the servants. Storri had done well over the summer, managing the farms and overseeing the production of iron. He was experienced and reliable, which was why Thorfinn had appointed him as a temporary steward while he was away.

"Storri," Thorfinn called, catching the man's attention. Storri turned with a smile.

"Ah, Lord," Storri greeted him. "We found the old Jarl's food storage, just where Thyri said it would be. With this, we should have no trouble getting through the winter, especially with your surplus."

"Good," Thorfinn replied, placing a hand on Storri's shoulder as he led him outside. "I'll be leaving soon. While I'm gone, you're in charge until Lagertha has fully recovered. I want you to focus on building up our warriors. Offer them two silver pieces a week until this mess is sorted." Storri's eyes widened in surprise. Paying guards was not common in Kattegat. Most men raided during the season and pursued other trades when they returned. Offering two silver coins a week—more than enough for a man's loyalty—would no doubt attract plenty, though the rigorous training Thorfinn's men endured might turn some away.

"Yes, Lord. I'll make sure the word gets out," Storri said, still a bit in shock.

"Good," Thorfinn said, clapping him on the shoulder again. He headed toward the stable where his cart was ready, packed with supplies. Thyri stood there waiting, her dark hair cascading over her shoulders. Her cotton gown hugged her figure tightly, emphasizing her curves, and her breasts. When she saw Thorfinn, she smiled, her eyes lighting up, and they kissed softly.

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