Chapter 29: The Strength of a Puppet

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Phase three? Adela's mind is racing. What more do these people want her to do? How can she do anything if she can't move? She isn't even able to speak her questions aloud, her mouth refuses to form the words.

"You look stressed, Adela." The man says, looking up from his conversation with the scientist, who is scribbling notes down on a clipboard at a furious pace. "You really have no reason to be, your role in this testing is over now." The confusion must be clear in her eyes, for the man continues. "It would be best if you simply relax, let the movements come to you."

Relax? Let the movements come to you? Even more questions fill Adela's mind, adding to the chaos of thoughts rushing around her head. A never-ending string of curses also join the mix.

"If you would follow me, please." The man says in mock politeness, turning swiftly on his heels and exiting the room through the same door he had entered.

Just as Adela is beginning to wonder how he expects her to follow in her frozen state, she takes a step forward. And then another. In jerking, almost robotic, movements, Adela finds herself slowly following after the man. The scientist follows behind her.

As the three of them make their way through more winding, stone tunnels, Adela's movements become more smooth and flowing. By the time they reach a large open cavern, about the size of a school gym, her movements almost look and feel as if she's moving of her own free will.

The room is well lit compared to the lab-rat-maze. Other than the normal lights above, there's four additional bright spotlights aimed toward the center of the room, creating a circle of light. The walls of the room are smooth and straight, not rounded or jagged like the rest of hallways and rooms Adela has been through. The walls stop about six feet up where they level out, revealing benches.

Before long, people begin to file in from an unseen doorway at the far side of the room, filling in the benches. The man watches as the people above settle down, each seeming to be taking out a file or notepad of some kind. The last person to have taken their seat is carrying an open laptop, setting it carefully down on the single table placed only in front of his spot.

"Emilio, is there a way to grant this girl the ability to speak without allowing her full movement?" The man asks, looking up at the one with the laptop. His voice echoes around the otherwise silent room.

"No, Senhor Mancera."

The man turns back so he's looking at Adela once again. He draws a gun from his belt and points it toward Adela. "You make a move, you get shot. It would be a shame to see such a promising experiment go to waste, but then again, your friend Elizabeth shows promise as well." Raising his voice, he addresses the man with the laptop, "Allow her free movement."

Adela feels a small shock of electricity then finds she's able to move on her own again. Her posture slackens and she's able to change the position of her feet. "What the hell are you even trying to accomplish here? And what's with the stands? I'm not some circus act, you're the freaks that should be on display."

"I figured that someone with as sharp a tongue as yourself could use a moment of self-expression. Do not make me regret my moment of kindness."

"Moment of kindness? Get off your damn high horse. I don't want your kindness or sympathy or whatever, I want you to leave me and everyone else alone." Adela spits out. "Mancera. That's your name, right? Fuck off." She sits down on the ground, not wanting to admit to the exhaustion she's feeling.

He laughs at her feeble attempts, "Is that the best you can do? I expected more of a show from you, or did you use up all of your good insults in the lab? And please, if you're going to address me by name, use my first name, Marco." Before Adela can say any more, Marco turns to face the man with the laptop. "Emilio, we shall continue on now."

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