Chapter 30: Target Confirmed

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 The sudden silence that follows the boat engine being cut leaves an eerie feeling over the team. Cautiously, the Amazonian Warriors' agents slip paddles into the water to push the boat to shore.

Matias is the first to set foot on the muddy ground. He pulls the boat securely out of the water, bringing it to a stop. He doesn't wait for the others to join him before going to examine the other boat, clearing away the leaves and vines thrown over it.

Ahara climbs out of the boat, her feet sinking into the squishy mud of the riverbank. She examines the ground near the path for footprints or broken branches. The hair on her arms and the back of her neck stands up and a shiver passes through her despite the warm temperature.

"Find anything?" Matias's voice directly behind her causes her to jump.

Ahara steps back, allowing Matias to take a better look at the path. "I think it's worth exploring. I just have a feeling we're closer than before."

Matias nods, switching on the mic of his comm. unit, "Lyndley, we're going to investigate this further. Start tracking our path."

"Understood." Lyndley's voice crackles to life through the earpieces. "Do you want me to send the other two teams to your location when they're finished?"

"No. Wait for my command before sending any reinforcements."

"Got it. The tracking program has started, you're good to go."

Matias switches his mic off and motions for the team to follow as he begins down the path. He scans through the trees, leaves, and vines, his shoulders tense. Tree roots and fallen branches threaten to trip them, but Matias and the Amazonian Warriors pass over them with ease.

Ahara struggles to keep up with the group, stumbling occasionally as her feet get caught. She swats the bugs around her in annoyance, although she can't help but notice they're the only form of wildlife she's seen or heard since the boat was pulled from the water. The buzz of life and songs from the birds are missing, leaving a hollow silence only occasionally filled with the rustle of leaves or a heavy footfall.

" Pare. Ahara, come take a look at this." Matias's command pulls Ahara from her thoughts.

She scrambles forward to the front of the group where Matias is waiting for her. He's holding something small in the palm of his hand. Once she's close enough, Ahara can see it's a silver heart shaped locket. The clasp is broken and the locket itself is smashed, but that doesn't keep Ahara from recognizing it.

"That belongs to Liz."

Matias tucks the locket into one of his pockets before turning his mic on again. "Lyndley, we have confirmation that Liz and Adela were brought this way. Their exact location is still unknown. We're going to continue down this path."

"Do you want me to recall the other teams now?" Lyndley asks, more static coming through the comms now than before.

"Have them return to the starting point. We'll meet them there soon. I'd like to go farther. We still don't know who or what we're dealing with."

"We're still tracking you. Continue with caution."

Matias shuts off his mic before nodding to the team. "You heard her, stay alert. If we don't find anything else in five more minutes, we'll return to the boat."

With every step forward, the feeling of unease within Ahara grows. She finds herself looking behind herself every few steps to make sure no one is following. Her eyes scan the trees and foliage as she follows the team down the narrowing path. The need for an escape fills her as everything feels like it's closing in on her.

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