Chapter 23: Missing the Point

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By the end of the second play through of the message, Liz looks as if she's about to cry. Everyone else has concerned looks on their faces and are sitting much more tensely than they were before. Nico is the first to move, standing up and moving over to Liz, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting hug.

"Don't worry, shorty. Mrs. S-, your mom probably made it out. She and the other Imperial Eagles agents at the school must be beating those bombers to a pulp as we speak." He ruffles her hair. "She'll call again when it's safe for us to go back. Until then we should focus on what we came here to do, okay?"

Liz nods, wiping her eyes, "Who would bomb us though? And how'd they know where the school was?" She murmurs as she puts her phone away safely in her pocket.

Matias clears his throat, "I was asked to keep this confidential, but seeing as everything has gone to hell you all should know. The fire at the school wasn't because of an electrical malfunction, it was an attack by Gama." He holds up his hand to stop Adela from interrupting. "Otaru and Naomi returned to Japan because the base of the organization they serve was bombed by Gama. Their parents barely made it out alive. As you know, the Amazonian Warriors base was just bombed by Gama as well."

"This isn't like them. Gama doesn't like to bring attention to themselves, they work from the shadows." Adela cuts in, ignoring the look Matias is giving her.

"It's true that they've been quiet for almost the past ten years, but they haven't always been. From their first formation in '95 until about 2004, this was normal. They wanted to be known and feared by the organizations. To achieve this, they overtook the smaller, weaker organizations, forcing those agents to join their ranks or join the dead. Once they had enough power, they destroyed the organizations that they could through bombings and assault."

"If they were that big of a deal, why is so little information about them known? How doesn't the general public know about them either?" Adela challenges, crossing her arms.

"Surprisingly enough, they've made very little known about themselves. Few agents caught have said anything when under interrogation, meaning they're either really good at resisting the techniques, or the higher-ups keep the information from those that serve them. Those who run the organization haven't made much of an attempt at reaching out to the organizations either other than to send a promise of oncoming destruction." Matias leans back on his hands, watching the dusty road in front of the small shop for the vans that should be arriving soon.

"You didn't answer my other question." Adela huffs, taking a quick swig of water. "How does the public not know?"

"What's the point in getting the world's general population worked up over something that doesn't even really concern them? If they need to know, I'm sure the world leaders will let them know in an organized way. For now, it's a war that's going to be fought in the shadows, just as it's always been." Matias claps his hands together, the sudden loud noise making everyone jump. "The vans are here, grab your stuff."

The shiny black vans pull up in front of the store, slowly rolling to a stop. As the dust cloud behind them begins to settle, the front passenger door of the first van is thrown open. A girl with long sleek black hair and narrow eyes steps out, her heeled boots clicking on the concrete.

She looks over the students in front of her distastefully until her eyes land on Matias, "Mancera, this is the best you could do?" Her accent is thick making it hard to understand her.

"Great to see you too, Rena." Matias responds with a grin as he picks up two backpacks, walking over to one of the vans and throwing them into the trunk. "We need to go to the hospital first. One has a broken leg for sure, the others should be checked out just in case. The rainforest is a dreadful place to crash land in."

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