Chapter 32: What Priorities?

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A heavy silence hangs over the group as Matias finishes sharing what he experienced. The water of the river slaps against the docked boats as the noises of the jungle continue their steady hum of life. In the distance, the sun lowers in the sky, a looming reminder of the passage of time.

Without saying a word, Razor breaks away from the group. He walks to the boat and unties one. As he's preparing to push off, Nico grabs his wrist.

"Let go," Razor states firmly, dangerous edge to his voice.

"So you can do what? What's your plan? To just storm in there in a hail of bullets to save the day?" Nico asks, tightening his grip on Razor's wrist.

"First Adela and Liz, no Ahara. We're losing people left and right, yet all we do is stand around and talk," he growls before twisting his wrist out of Nico's grasp, grabbing Nico's arm and twisting until it's pinned firmly behind Nico's back. "I'm tired of not doing anything useful. I'm going to go make a difference."

Nico shifts his weight before bending forward and throwing Razor over his shoulder. He pins Razor to the ground, ignoring the stares of the Amazonian Warrior agents. "You should not have done that. Now listen up, both of you." Nico sends a glare at Matias.

"We had a situation like this before. Charging in blindly lead to the death of a student. If you think running back in there now is our best option, you're stupid. Now quit acting like spoiled children and start acting like the special agents you've been trained to be, damn it."

Matias looks to the sky where the sun is now dipping below the horizon, casting a fiery light across the water of the river. "It's too late to do anything more here tonight. We'll head back to the base and create a strategy from there."

"Then it's decided." Nico stands up and offers a hand to Razor, pulling him to his feet again. "The two of you better start acting like a team. Seeing as you both now stand to lose someone, it shouldn't be that hard."

Matias opens his mouth but Nico cuts him off before a word is spoken. "Don't deny it. We've all seen the way you look at Ahara. Now, are we heading back or do the two of you want to take a couple of swings to feel better?"

Matias and Razor share a glance before nodding, neither looking happy about the decision. If looks could kill, the two would be battling to the death. Matias finally breaks the staring contest to turn and give orders to the Amazonian Warriors agents that are still waiting silently.

The sky is dark when the parade of black vans roll to a stop in front of the still crumbling Amazonian Warriors building. The pile of stuffed trash bags grew larger in their absence; a second pile of wood paneling and beams has joined the clutter of the front lawn.

Lyndley waits on the front steps of the building. She watches as the doors to the vans slide open and people climb out. When Nico appears from the van, Lyndley walks over to him, moving quickly despite the crutches.

"Lyn, you shouldn't be out here. You need to be inside, sitting down," Nico scolds, the corner of his mouth turned up in a faint smirk.

"You think I can just sit around while all this is happening? It doesn't feel right. I already feel useless enough."

"Don't say that. Without you we wouldn't have been able to find out where they're keeping the captives."

"But then Ahara wouldn't have been taken."

Nico shakes his head, crossing his arms. "You have to stop thinking like that, Lyn. That wasn't your fault. It doesn't matter what happened anyway, what matters is what we decide to do from here. What we're going to do is find a way to get in there, get all the captives out, including Liz, Adela, and Ahara, and squish Gama like the bugs they are."

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