Chapter 36

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Something weird was going on today

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Something weird was going on today. There was a sense of agitation lingering in the air that made the hair on my arms stand up.

It was Saturday but oddly enough training had been set to today. I would've missed the announcement if Lilac hadn't searched for me s morning. Although I was grateful for her there was always this lingering feeling of anxiety at her being in the wrong part of the academy.

Lady Thatcher hadn't bothered me since our confrontation, in fact I had barely seen her but the fear grew that she was concocting something.

Lilac was standing next to me on the yard, while we were waiting for Ronan to arrive.
"I still don't understand what's going on" I told her in agitation.

"Me neither. Training here almost never gets cancelled or postponed."
After a while Blayze and Juliette came over. Since injuring myself in the dungeon they had been less hostile although that didn't really mean that they were nice, especially Blayze. It was her personality that was crude but I had been quick to accept that her love was tough.

Finally after watching the sun rise for what seemed like hours two people arrived from the entrance of the academy. They were deep in a conversation, I realized when they strutted over. Dressed in dark armors that extended over their bulging muscles Ronan and Davian came over. They were walking in sync, proving once again that they had known each other for ages.

"Today sir Atkinson and me will teach you how to actually defend and fight against the ghostly" Ronan announced while I was busily watching his mouth move. I watched the reddish lips that had almost kissed me in aw, entranced with both his words and appearance.

No, I had to focus.
During the last weeks I had oftentimes wondered what Davian's function even was, seeing that he had partaken in one to many 'inappropriate relations' and was almost always lingering in his room in what looked like pajamas.
Knowing that him and Ronan had gone on missions told me that he probably was also connected to the ghostly problem.

"Everyone line up" he ordered and we swiftly followed suit.
"From what we know the ghostly are an accumulation of foreign mass that behaves like a mixture of a liquid and a gas in terms of being able to mend into different shapes. When it attacks though, it behaves as a solid, resulting in its excellence in killing millions of people" he told us gravely.

"There are no indicators that the ghostly have a brain, or anything that allows them to plan strategically for that matter" he stated though the attack on the academy made me question his words. Hadn't they found the exact entrance point and then attacked in a group?

"So the best way to kill the ghostly is to form a solid plan. Luring them into closures, attacking them from afar... All of these strategies work well" he explained from experience while moving in front of our lines. Each one of us stood stiffly as his mood seemed to be sour. Something was happening, he was preparing us for something that he deemed important and dangerous enough to gather us outside of training.
When he looked into my eyes I saw darkness, his emotions were cast away behind thick clouds of black, a gaze that I knew all too well.

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