Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: An Unexpected Event

Me, I still believe in paradise. But now at least I know it's not some place you can look for because it's not where you go. It's how you feel for a moment in your life when you're a part of something and if you find that moment, it lasts forever. - from The Beach  

"Honey, we're moving."

I stood there, slack jawed and unmoving.


My mom clapped her hands together excitedly. "Yeah, you know that promotion your father was trying so hard to get for all of these years? He finally got it!"

"Um, yay?" I said, totoally unassured.

"Yes, yay. It's a total yay. We're going to the cute little town of Oakdale in Texas."

"Texas?" I asked in shock and awe. "Why Texas of all places?"

"Well, that's where my promotion is. I'm sorry, but I've been trying for this for such a long time. Look on the bright side: football is a huge deal in Texas." My dad said, finally adding to the conversation.

I didn't know what to feel, so I walked out, slamming the door as I went.

Really? I thought as I started my car. Halfway into my sophomore year? This is such awful timing!

I angrily drove, not really knowing where I was headed, and not really caring. I didn't really have a route planned, but I found myself on a familiar street after a few minutes. I guess I was subconsciously on my way to Bryan's house.

I kept on driving, thinking about how I started driving to see him without really thinking about it. That's crazy. Do I have feelings for Bryan? No, this is crazy, I think, scolding myself. I'm about to move, so I obviously can't start anything with anyone.

I drove to Bryan's house anyways, thinking that a little cheering up is what I need right now. I mean, nothing has to happen, right?


I drove up to his cute little suburban house and parallel parked my car by the curb in the front. I hopped down out of the Jeep feeling jittery and excited.

I hate you, dang hormones.

I walked up to the front porch thing and rang the doorbell, waiting patiently. I got bored, and started rocking on my heels. I heard some faint yelling inside the house, and Bryan answered the door, which got my heart racing faster than a horse at the Kentucky Derby. 

"Oh, hi, Carly."

"Hello." I said before offering a very awkward little wave thing.

"Want to come in?" he asked, widening the door.

"Yep," I nodded as I walked in. His house smelled so good, like somebody was baking something  delicious.

It smelled like the Home Sweet Home candle by Yankee Candles, and it was a very comforting smell. It was very cinnamonny which made me just want to snuggle in with somebody and watch A Christmas Story.

That somebody may or may not be Bryan.

"So, and don't think I'm complaining, I'd never complain in regards of seeing you, but why'd you pay me a home visit?"

His question made me blush and I sat on the couch, and he sat next to me. 

"Um, I don't know any other way of addressing this than just quickly ripping it off like a band aid, but remember how I said my parents needed to talk to me at Sweety's today?"

He hummed a yes and nodded me on.

"Well," I continued slowly. "The news that they needed to tell me was that we're moving. To Texas."

His jaw slightly dropped. "Texas, Texas? As in, like, big belt buckles and boots and cow poop Texas?"

I giggled and said "Yep. That would be the Texas I'm referring to."

"When?" His voice, in only that one word, carried so much sadness and apprehension.

I started playing with my thumbs. "I don't know...I kinda stormed out when my parents told me and came here."

He looked up, rested his finger under my chin, leaned in slowly, and kissed the heck out of me. To say I was surprised would be the understatement of the century.

I pulled away, resting my forehead on his, and smiled.

That kiss was just what I needed. Reassurance of my feeling towards him. It relieved some stress. But, most of all, it made me believe that just maybe things would turn out okay.


So, here's a pretty short chapter. As you may or may not know, I'm currently at a pretty hardcore debate camp. Yet, I subtracted some time from my already short sleep schedule and wrote this for y'all. Consider yourselves #blessed...

Lol I'm totally kidding about the blessed part, but I would feel #blessed if y'all would comment and vote on these chapters pwetty pwetty pwease.

The video above is of the AMAZING alternative song Could Have Been Me by The Struts.

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