Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Introductions

My momma always said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." - from Forrest Gump

The picture above is of Carly (played by Acacia Brinley) and the video is of the song Sleepyhead by Passion Pit for y'all to listen to.

I dive to the ground, grimacing as the hard ground breaks my fall. I army crawl forward and try to remain as silent as possible. I'm currently in Saudi Arabia, and they're waging war with America because of natural resource shortages or something like that.

A bullet whizzes over my head which causes every muscle in my body to tense. I stay there, unmoving, waiting for the bombardments to stop. I hear the occasional gunshot and explosion and the constant cries and yells of everyone.

I shimmy forward, trying my hardest to be quick but also covert. I continued doing this, cringing every time I feel and hear footsteps rushing past me, yet nobody spotted me. It took what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was only ten or so minutes, of me crawling against the ground for me to reach my destination.

I pulled myself up into a crouching position, cursing at my stiff legs. I peeked around the crate that I was positioned behind, and only saw about six or so enemies.

Shouldn't be too hard to take out, I think to myself.

I peek over the crate, trying to expose the bare minimum of my head that had to be out in the open for me to see my shots. I cocked my pistol, which was the best gun I had for that moment, and readied myself. I looked over the crate again and fired three shots. I watched, satisfied, as three men fell to the ground. The silencer on my gun made it to where my shots only had a faint pew noise, but the other three men under the tent noticed that their comrades were now on the ground.

As two of the men bent over the bodies of the people I'd just hit, I fired. That got two men.

Five down, one to go.

I didn't hear much of anything; no yelling or talking, so that means the last guy was keeping quiet. I stood up and scanned the area, trying to find the last man.

He's the only thing between me and the objective.

I heard a crunch and whoosh behind me. I pivoted on my left foot to turn and threw one arm up to block my face. My block collided with his fist, which was aimed at my throat. In one swift move, I grabbed my knife and swung at him.

My cut was effective, and he fell to the ground. I grabbed the flag in the enemy's base and took off sprinting towards safety. I reached my team's base and mounted the flag.

I let out a breath of relief as the screen switched to show that my team had won. I heard the cheers of my teammates and felt very appeased.

"Way to go guys!"

"We killed it out there!"

"Nice game, Carls."

It was now my turn to congratulate them. "Y'all did so well! Ice cream at Sweety's?"

I smiled as I was met with a chorus of yes's and cheers.

"See y'all in 20 minutes!" I sang before logging off of Call Of Duty.

Yes, I am a girl. And, yes, you did just experience an online match of Capture The Flag on Call Of Duty that I just owned.

Deal with it.

I grabbed my purse, reapplied my lip gloss, and started heading outside. My mom, who was in the kitchen, called out to me as I ran down the stairs.

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