《Chapter 10》Plans for Peace or War

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He looked at the gigantic earth in front of him. Reich could clearly see this huge world in front of him. He was tiny and everything around him was only getting bigger.

Suddenly he was very fast and flew to a garbage can somewhere in this world and was swallowed up by the darkness.

Suddenly everything became white and black and full of cubes and squares that took over the room he was in. They spread out and some smaller ones flew through the holes in his body and stuffed him with them, while the cubes locked him in position from the outside. He could not move while these cubes took up the remaining space from the inside and outside.

Then he was back in his room and balls rolled and jumped at him.

Third Reich opened his eyes in shock. He was in his bed with his dog by his side. Reich was sweating, his bed was soaked.

He felt himself uncertainly. He was alive! Had he really survived the attack? He was unsure because he didn't know what had happened during and after the bang.

Reich had to pet Duke. The dog made happy noises. Duke was happy!

Third Reich giggled happily and hugged him, whereupon the cuddly dog ​​licked him. He laughed happily.

The Countryhuman was so happy. What had happened yesterday seemed like a dream to him. He had to get up and see for himself what was going on.

He got up carefully. Reich was still wearing his clothes from yesterday. He went out without changing.

He immediately searched everywhere, but no one was there. He was sure he was alone until he heard snoring and went to the room. It was Soviet's room and indeed the big man was sleeping snoring in his bed.

The other Countryhuman was very surprised. Duke went to the big man. Reich immediately knew that the dog wanted to wake him up.

Reich came closer, but Duke was already poking him with his cold and wet nose, which woke him up. Third Reich came to both of them and was about to take Duke out when Soviet Union opened his tired eyes.

The other Countryhuman said nervously and quietly: "I'm sorry Duke woke you up! I'll take him out of your room and you can go back to sleep."

He quickly pushed the dog out of the room while Soviet Union turned over and went back to sleep as if nothing had happened.

Reich went into the kitchen with the dog. It would really be nice if someone could give the dog his dog food. He knew what to do, but it smelled terrible! Yesterday he almost vomited. Maybe he should bring his staff back here.

He took care of the dog's food and made himself something simple to eat.

Then he went for a walk to give the dog his food too.

Soviet woke up and stretched before getting out of bed. His thoughts tormented him. He had killed someone yesterday. Even if it was the leader of the United Kingdom Cooperation, he felt bad.

 Even if it was the leader of the United Kingdom Cooperation, he felt bad

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