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"Jo!Jo wake up!"James taps her repeatedly
"No go away"Jo turns around in her bed pulling the covers up more,

"Come on Jo we'll be late!"

"I'd rather die then go back to that school"

James pulls the covers off her bed "HEY!"
"Breakfast is almost ready,be down in ten"Jo rolls her eyes "I saw that!"
"Great and you'll see this"She sticks her middle finger up at him,

"I'll just tell dad your being a slutty bitch again"

"Whoa..don't tell him I'm a slut that's a bit far ,Bitch is fine I don't care"

James backs away to the door "I'm telling"
"Sure you are"
"Ugh!just be down in ten!"
"Okay Jamie"

Jo gets out of bed and gets dressed for school then runs downstairs.

"Finally your up"

"Shut up"she sits at the table "are you having breakfast?" "Nah,I'm not hungry I'll just drink some orange juice"
"Jo that won't fill you up and you know what they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day"
"Just shut up james,we're running late anyways so let's just go"

"Aren't we getting driven?"

"Dad texted me we have to get the bus today and then go to his work after school"Jo says putting her bag on "oh that's so shit"
"Mhm I let's go"

The two wait by their bus stop and get on the school bus,

James sits with his football mates and Jo looks for a spare seat,

"Hey"she smiles


"Can I sit here?"

"O..Of course"

Jo sit with Peter at the back of the bus
"What you listening to?"
"Oh just this band called the smiths"Her face lights up "really?I love the smiths"Peter smiles "I never knew"he pulls out one of his earphones "we can listen together"

"So why you sitting with me and not your cool rebel boyfriend"

"Im so over him..he was a dick"

"Sorry..why did you end it?Like what pushed you over the edge?"

"Your nosey"She giggles "sorry"
"No it's fine..he just took it to far the other night that's all" "oh" "yeah,anyways screw him the only man I need in my life is you my best friend"Peter nods "yeah"

"What have you got first?"
"Math..oh I hate math"Peter says with a slight frown "Ooft that's tough" "yep,what have you got?" "Music" "lucky"

"We're here,I'll see you at lunch Pete"



Lunch comes and Jos leaving her class,
She feels hands grip onto her arms and pull her aside into a broom closet.

"Barty what the hell!"

"I missed you"

"We broke up yesterday"
He starts kissing her neck and she leans it back as a slight moan leaves her lips,

"No Barty..we're over"She moves him away
"Pretty Please I'm board"she scoffs "your board?"
He nods "yes"
"Find another girl to fuck about with then"

She walks to the door but he grabs her wrist pulling Jo back "I'll get better I promise,can I have one more chances pretty girl?"
She sighs "fine,One more chance"

"Great"he kisses her "im going to get Peter"
"I'll come too" "oh..great"

The two walk hand in hand and into the dinner hall,

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