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"Get out"Jos curled up in her bed with her back to the door,Remus walks in and kneels down next to her bed.

"I said get out!"she turns around.

"Relax Jo..Look I'm sorry for what Tyler done it was so shitty of him to do that to you"Jo nods "he's downstairs in the cell right now"

"What?"She sits up and looks at Remus
  "Yeah...he's not a good guy"
"Can I go see him?"

"Do you want to?"

"I do"

"Then I guess if that's what you want you and Mary can go down"

"Mary?No I want to go my self"

"She's tough"

"So am I!Plus he can't do anything if he's behind bars"

Remus sighs "fine come on"

He walks Josette to the door then leaves her there,she hesitates for a few moments thinking what she should do.

she opens the door and slowly creeps into the room with the cell,

Tyler's back is turned so she can't see his face.

Jo clears her throat to get his attention,
Lupin turns around to face her.

Jo stands strong with her arms crossed and a stern face.


"Ty...Why did you do that to me?"

"I'm sorry okay...I had to get back at Remus I just had to"

"Why didn't you just say to me!I would've understood,I'm a very understanding person"

"You would've freaked out"

"You don't know That!You didn't even try...You took me out,You fucked me!an..and it was all just to get here"Tyler sighs "okay it dose look bad when you say it like that"

"I loved you!You don't know the kind of crap I went through before I met you!I thought you were the one!"

"That's cute"

"Fuck off!"

"Jo!"She turns around "Sirius?"
"Upstairs now" "why?" "Just come on"he tugs her arm "I'll be back Lupin"Jo spits before turning to leave

"I'll be waiting."

"So what was so urgent?"

"Josette hey can I just"Brittney bends down and takes the power stopper off Jos ankle,
"Brittney!What the fuck!"

"Look Jo something weird is happening we need your powers"

"I can't control them!"

James runs in the room and bangs off the walls again "ow" Jo smiles "okay the creepy girls coming in!"James says while rubbing his head "creepy girl?"Jo asks in confusion.

"YEAH!Red hair,two daggers really scary stare"

"There is a boy with her!"Marlene yells not looking away from the monitor.

"Em go to your room"  "why?" "Just do it!"Emerald stomps up the stairs.

"Guys what the hell is going on?!"

"Creepy little kids trying to break into the tower"

"Why are we freaking out about kids?"

"Magic kids Jo..magic"


"We just need you to have your sparky hands prepared okay?"Mary says putting her arm around Jo "Guys where's my lucky dagger"

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