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School had fucking sucked that Monday. He had run into Evie, well she'd found him, and she'd given him a grocery bag filled with his stuff or things that he'd gifted to her throughout their relationship.

When he had asked her why she didn't want to keep the gifts, she had haughtily told him that she didn't want the reminder of him and what he had done lingering around.

Basically, Evie wanted to forget all about him.

Rocco had stood in the school hallway feeling like a piece of shit for a solid five minutes before he retreated to the bathroom to cry in one of the stalls.

Why the fuck was he crying? Why was he feeling so hurt when he'd been the one who had put himself in that situation, to begin with? And it wasn't like he hadn't thought about breaking up with her over the last month or so but now that she was gone...it fucking sucked.

Once he had composed himself he drug himself to the office, feigning illness. Rocco told the round-shaped woman at the desk he wanted to go home, he had a jacked-up stomach. Sympathetically, she nodded and called his mother who agreed to pick him up.

The relief had been washed away when his father appeared before him half an hour later, eyes cold, jaw tight.

Fuck my life, he thought as he gathered up his things and followed his dad out to the car. Krist shot him a look that Rocco would have described as shitty before opening the driver's side door.

"You're sick, huh?" Krist asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

Here we go.

Rocco fastened his seatbelt, casting his eyes out the window as he nodded.

"Right. Right," Krist clicked his tongue at him, "So now you gonna be getting high and now you ain't even going to school. Cool, bro, maybe Mark's fuckin' sugar momma got a broad for you too. Y'all can fuckin' live that shit up on section eight and ebt, bro."

Rolling his grey eyes, Rocco audibly sighed and shook his head in response, "It's not like I'm ever not in school."

"But now that you on that shit, you aren't," his father countered.

Generally, Rocco let his dad get his bitching out and moved on but he was in no mood for his rants and guilt trips.

"Can you just stop? I don't feel good, I'm having a crap day and you are only making it worse," he shot at him, "Do you hear yourself? You're acting like I'm a frigging drug addict."

"Well, it's just fucking convenient that you," Krist began.

"That I went home sick today?" Rocco cut him off.

"You know you wouldn't have needed to come home if your ass hadn't tweaked it up this weekend, just saying."

Rocco clicked his tongue back at his father, "All weekend? Do you know how dumb-"

Krist was quick to cut his son off, "Ohhh-ho, you really aren't gonna go there. How dumb do I sound? Bro, you are fucking kidding me right now?"

"You seem to really be blowing things out of proportion, that's all I'm saying," Rocco told him flatly, "I made one mistake."

"One big fucking mistake," Krist corrected him, "One I told you that you better not make yet here we are."

"Yup, here we are," Rocco snapped, slinking down in his seat, arms folded across his chest.

The remainder of the drive was silent beyond Krist occasionally glancing in his son's direction, clicking his tongue at him in dismay.

"Don't you have to go back to work?" Rocco asked as he followed him inside the house.

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