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The next morning, the early sunlight was a welcome sight as it filtered through the classroom windows. Despite the restless night, I dragged myself to class with a steely resolve. The day ahead would be filled with the usual lectures and drills, and I was determined to push through, even if my mood wasn't the best.

As I entered the classroom, I noticed Deku and Uraraka already engaged in a quiet conversation at their desks. The sight stirred up a flicker of the previous night's unease, but I tried to shake it off as I took my seat at the back of the room. Kirishima and Kaminari greeted me with their usual cheer, but I merely grunted in response, too lost in my thoughts to fully engage.

The class began with a lecture on advanced hero techniques, and everyone settled into their seats. Midway through the lesson, Uraraka raised her hand, catching the attention of our teacher. After receiving permission, she turned to me with a hopeful expression.

"Bakugo, I had a question about the technique we're learning today," Uraraka said, her voice gentle and friendly.

I looked up, my mood already fraying. The sight of her standing there, so earnest and concerned, just irked me further. Without giving it much thought, I snapped back, "I don't have time for this. Figure it out yourself."

The words were out of my mouth before I could fully process them, and the classroom fell into an uneasy silence. Uraraka's face fell, and she looked down, clearly taken aback by my abrupt response. Deku's gaze shot over to me, his expression a mix of surprise and concern. It was clear he had noticed my reaction, as did the rest of the class.

Kirishima, who was seated nearby, shot me a concerned look. "Bakubro, that was pretty harsh."

I ignored him, feeling a surge of frustration bubbling beneath the surface. The last thing I wanted was to deal with everyone's reactions, but it seemed unavoidable now. I tried to refocus on the lesson, hoping to drown out the murmurs of the class and the uneasy feeling in my chest.

Uraraka shifted in her seat, clearly hurt by the exchange. She glanced briefly at Deku before pulling out her notebook and trying to catch up with the lesson on her own. The classroom's atmosphere was noticeably tense, and I could sense the weight of my actions hanging in the air.

After a few moments, Deku stood up and walked over to Uraraka's desk, speaking to her in a quiet, reassuring tone. I couldn't hear their conversation from where I was, but I could see Deku's earnest expression as he offered help and comfort. It was a stark contrast to my own reaction, and it only made me feel more isolated.

Mina, seated across from me, leaned over and whispered, "Hey, Bakubro, what's going on? That wasn't like you."

I shot her a glare, trying to suppress the emotions bubbling inside me. "Just had a rough night. Doesn't mean I have to be everyone's therapist."

Mina frowned, clearly not buying my excuse. "It's not about being a therapist. It's about being decent. You're acting like you've got something against Uraraka, but I know that's not true."

Before I could respond, the teacher called the class to attention, ending the side conversation. I glanced over at Deku and Uraraka, who were now engaged in a more animated discussion. Deku's gestures were encouraging, and Uraraka seemed to be regaining her composure.

As the lesson continued, I struggled to focus. My actions had created an awkward rift, and I could feel the weight of my outburst pressing on me. It wasn't just about being irritated or jealous; it was about my inability to properly manage my emotions and communicate effectively.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class. Students began gathering their things and preparing for the next period. Deku stayed behind, talking quietly with Uraraka, while I remained seated, feeling the sting of regret. Kirishima and Mina waited for me outside the classroom, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity.

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