the jeons

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I'm really happy my chapter's are getting more readers thank you so much for your support .

(This chapter will be the continuing from the last scene of the chapter "characterless" where enwoo yugy hyun aecha and hana left to see tae and jk)

They reached the same temple where tae and jk's wedding happened. They saw jk is standing outside . seeing jk outside hana asked where is tae why are you standing here are you waiting for us brother in law enwoo and yugy chuckled tae will be inside the temple di your brother in law is not in a good terms with god that's why is he staying here everyone chuckled at him.jk looked sharply at enwoo and yugy making them gulp they knew a furious muscle bunny is not good for their health.

Hana saw tae coming down from the temple She ran to tae and hugged her bear are you fine don't worry we all are here for you tae hugged her back smiling I'm fine didi tae said slowly. Then tae noticed her hyunappa and omma standing beside her husband she smiled widely and run to them. Both aecha and hyun smiled widely and opened their hands for their bear to hug her warmly. Are you angry on me appa,omma tae asked sadly aecha smiled no baby we're really happy for you bear your omma and appa always wanted to see you happy in your life now we're really happy because you got the best man aecha turned to jk son please take care of her she already suffered a lot in her life aecha had tears in her eyes please son we know you're a good guy otherwise woo will never allow you near his bear everyone chuckled at her words don't worry omma your bear will be going to live a happy life from now on a bunch of idiots are waiting for her there in my home hyun looked at jk confusedly because they all thought jk is really an orphan i know why you're looking confused uncle actually our kook is not any orphan nor poor he is the heir of jeons the eldest son of jeons jeon jungkook yugy said proudly hearing yugy's words hana aecha and hyun look shocked suddenly hana laughed loudly oh my God i badly wanted that jockers in my family to know this they will get mad by frustration both aecha and hyun nodded at hana's word.

It's going to be a sweet revenge moment for our tae we needed to be a little patience for that moment enwoo said. I'm sorry i know you guys wanted spend more time with her but dad is really excited to meet his daughter they're waiting for us so we needed to go you guys can come there any time jk said softly. Everyone nodded at jk word. I wanted to attend your wedding di but i don't wanted to enter inside that place never again i will pray for you always after marriage when you settle in mumbai come and visit us ok and omma appa you guys also needed to visit your daughter don't forget about me tae said been emotional making everyone teary they all did a family hug. Jk and yugy smiled seeing this beautiful moment why are you not joining us you guys are also our child so come come hyun called them both yugy and jk run to them and joint the hug. After an emotional farewell tae and kook left from there. Yugy and enwoo move to another rented room because enwoo still needed to attend hana's wedding. Aecha Hyun and hana left to kim mansion.

Kook is driving,tae is sitting near him while yugy sat at back didn't seem shocked here your husband is the heir of jeons did enwoo told you everything already yugy asked to tae not everything bai just said kook's family name then he said to ask more to my husband tae pouted cutely jk chuckled you can ask anything wifey your pati is ready to answer you tae become shy hearing jk's reply both yugy and jk laughed loudly at tae's tomato cheek tae puffed her red cheeks angrily making them both to coo at her i wanted to know about our family members koo jk felt proud and happy when tae said our family rather than his family. I will tell you everything briefly but have some patience wifeyy when reach any resting place tae nodded understandingly.

After sometimes they stopped the vehicle for refreshment and other things. Kook and tae are sitting in a park while yugy is sleeping in the car.tae let me introduce you my family . My dad jeon joongi-ki my beautiful mother jeon yeo-been my grandfather is a real as*h*le he had so many mistresses but stay in a marriage with grandma just for money even though he had a lot of women's in his life he had only two children's my dad and a step sister jeon yoo-sun she hate dad because he became rich even after grandpa destroyed everything she badly wanted to get our properties. Aunty have a daughter who is exactly like aunty kim tae-ri. We don't have connection with other relatives of grandpa.we are really close with our mom's family she have two brothers and two sisters in laws who love us like their own children. Lee gong yoo and his wife lee - hwa then uncle lee dong wook and his wife lee bo-ah both have one cute little baby girls lee bora and lee isuel respectively. Then me yugy and my other three brats yugy was adopted by dad when mom was alive so this is our family don't worry they all will surely love and adores you. But your husband will get a good beating from them for marrying without informing them but I'm ready for that so don't worry my cute wife let's start our new journey happily tae nodded eagerly and they left for there. Tae is really excited to meet them and to be a part of this loving family. They reached the car jk kicked yugy butt hardly making him curse jk

Are you ready little one to meet your new family don't be nervous except the two greedy women's there everyone is lovely yugy said making tae chuckle and nod her head they continued their journey by jk and yugy bickering with eachother yugy officially announcing himself has tae's brother making tae emotional. After a long time tae enjoyed her time with her slightly childish husband and brother.

They reached to jeon mansion. They can already see a bunch of people waiting for them in the front making jk scared because he knew his bum is going get beaten to death by his lovely family. Tae is nervous because this is the first time she is going to meet her in laws. Yugy is grinning ear to ear, he know he can watch a free show of the great jeon jungkook getting beaten. Hahaha i can't wait to see a giant muscle bunny getting his ass beaten yugy smiled hardly making tae to giggle. Jk shooted a hard glare. They stopped the car and get down from the vehicle. There was a long pause making yugy to pray for his poor friend. Jk hold tae's hand and walked to his family.

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