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Cas's POV

I woke up feeling the cold winter air flow threw the bunker. I had recently moved in here and the weather has made the bunker temperatures brutally cold, similar to Minnesota during the winter. My toes were frozen and the the thin felt like blankets didn't keep the bitterness away. I decided to get up. I walked toward the wooden door, I had no idea where I was going to go on my small quest for warmth. I walked down the narrow brick hallway. I stopped at a door and opened it, my hands shaking from the cold. I walked over to the bed debating whether or not he would mind if I layed  down next to him. Screw it I'll figure it out in the morning. I crawled under the covers of the bed and curled up against Dean's warmth. I was almost asleep when he rolled over and nuzzled up into my neck and snaking his arms around my waist, "Cas," he muttered. How did he know it was me? Was he awake? Is he mad? My wall of thoughts where torn down when he started lightly snoring. "Goodnight Dean," I whispered while kissing the top of his head. 


"Cas, Cas, wake up buddy," Deans husky morning voice shook me out of my sleep. "What Dean," I groaned. "You're kind of in my bed," he chuckled.  "Oh yeah, I got cold last night and it kept waking me up so I came in here to ask you about it, but you looked so peaceful so I just layed down next to you," I explained. "Okay, let's go to the kitchen and get some breakfast." We got up and walked to the kitchen. Sam was already up and making pancakes. "You two have some fun last night?" Sam asked playfully pointing at our hair with his spatula. "Shut up Sammy," Dean replied while blushing. I walked over to the table and sat down in one of the chairs. "Sam when will the pancakes be done?" I asked Trying my best to be polite. "Five minutes," he responded. What did last night mean why did Dean snuggle up to me, I mean is that something friends did or was there something going on. I'm not entirely sure, but I'll figure it out eventually. "Get yourselves some plates," Sam commanded breaking the awkward silence. I got up an went to the plate cupboard. Huh I don't remember the plates being on the very top shelf. I reached up and grabbed a plate, and couldn't help but notice that Dean was watching me the entire time, and the fact that his eyes glossed over a little bit when my shirt rode up my back. I walked back over to the table plate in hand and I grabbed some Pancakes from the other plate. I grabbed the syrup pouring some onto my pancakes. "So," Dean said while munching on his pancake. "Have you found any interesting hunts that are worth checking out?" "I think we might have another Djinn case up in Cambridge Minnesota. There have been three people that have gone missing and there is an abandoned mental hospital." "Great another freaking djinn. I hate those sons off bitches," Dean cursed. By that time we had all finished our pancakes and went to go prepare for the hunt and the nine hour drive. I have never faced a djinn before I wonder what it's like.


So this is my first chapter and I hope you like sorry if it's a bit blunt and or short, but this is my first Destiel fic so be nice please I'm kind of a new author also I'm sorry for not updating my other stories I've been a bit busy lately I might get some time to update those later - Demon Fangirl

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