He gives you his number

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H/N- his name

You've always drawn on your hand longer than you could remember, and you didn't stop when you got in high school. Well today you were sitting in the library, during lunch period, and took out your favorite black pen. You started doodling on your hand. From a bunch of flowers to butterflies, all the way up to your wrist. You became too engrossed in doodling you didn't even noticed someone sit down at the table where you're sitting at.

"Those are really beautiful drawings." A male voice said.

You snapped out of your trance and looked up to see the one and only H/N.

"Thanks." You said blushing slightly.

You've had a crush on H/N since the third grade and here he is talking to you.

"Do you mind if I draw something?" He asked you.

You shook your head and handed him your pen, "here you go."

He took at least a minute drawing. He handed your pen back to you, " don't look at it till after school okay? Please." He said grabbing his stuff and stood up.

"Yeah sure." You said a little curious at what he drew on your hand.

He smiled and walked out of the library. The last three class periods passed by and you went to your locker. You opened it then remembered that H/N drew on your hand. You flipped your hand over to see:

~Y/N I'm really bad at drawing, but I was hoping you would like to go out sometime ;) Call me~ with his number .

You smiled and shut your locker and headed to your car. Once you got inside your car you called him. He immediately picked up.

"Hey Y/N you read my note?" He asked you.

You were blushing and smiling still looking at it on your hand, " yeah, and I'd love to go out with you."

"Yes! Thank you so much Y/N! How about this Saturday?" He asked you.

You could practically hear his smile through the phone," yeah pick me up at 7?"

"Sure thing Y/N! See you this Saturday!"

Saturday night came quickly, and that night was the best night of your life.

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