How you get back together part 3

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Parrish: it's been a month or so since you and Jordan broke up. Today you were hanging out with your best friends, Scott and Stiles, at the mall.
You guys sat in the food court and eat, with the occasional of laughing. You were doubled over laughing and when you sat up straight, you noticed Scott and Stiles was gone, but Jordan is sitting in front of you.
"Y/n I'm sorry that I was so distant from you. I was just trying to find out what I am, and Lydia was helping me, but when we broke up, I told her I didn't need her help. What I need is my girlfriend back. I miss you so much it hurts. Please Y/N , be mine again?" He said as tears brimmed your eyes and his.
You nodded and he got out of his chair and hugged you, with crying into your neck and you crying into his shoulder.

Peter: it's been several months and today you were getting your cast taken off. You had just gotten into your car and as you were putting your seat belt on you noticed that Peter was there in the passenger seat.
"Peter, plea-"
He interrupted you. " y/n please just hear me out. I'm sorry that I broke your wrist. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I miss you so much. I haven't left the house in months. Please Y/n I feel so empty without you by my side." He said taking you hand in his. You looked into his eyes and you noticed year were starting to form.
"Peter, I want to go back home, where you are, where we belong. "
"So say you'll be mine again?"
"Of course. I love you so much." You said hugging him.
"I love you too."

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