Chapter 2

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Five days had passed after officially signing the Cabello's onto their staff. Everything was going great now, especially since some of Lauren's best friends were coming in for the big white-out party on Saturday.

"Where's Meredith dude? I went into the kitchen and there wasn't any attack of grandmotherly kisses." Louis Tomlinson walked onto the back soccer field where the rest of their friends played.

"I sent her on a trip to Fiji with her husband." Lauren shrugged as she put her hair up.

"You do realize that means your head chef is now gone.. right?" Niall Horan raised his eyebrow. "What's going on with you, Jauregui? You seem happier and now a little crazy for sending your employee's off on trips like this."

"I.. I don't even know." Lauren shrugged but answered truthfully. "I hired a new chef so don't worry about it."

"We've missed you LJ," Harry Styles came up and put an arm around the girl, playfully putting her in a pretend choke hold before picking teams. The employees who were on break also joined in playing, making it a fair game between the five boys of One Direction, Lauren, and them.

"I can't believe this" Lauren heard from the side of the field, seeing Camila on the side bleachers in the middle of the tied game.

"Hey, Camila right?" The green eyed beauty asked, getting a nod from the shorter girl. "You okay?"

"One Direction is playing soccer right in front of me." Camila said almost too seriously. "I passed by the kitchen and saw Zayn going through the pantry and I thought I was dreaming but... It's real."

"Yea, they're like my best friends." Lauren shrugged. "If you want to play, you're welcome to join."

"You guys are like famo-"

"Camila, we're just having a good time. Right now, we're just us. No title, no nothing." Lauren informed. "This is our safe haven from every paparazzi and fan that nearly tries to attack us every single day." Camila nodded in understanding. "Some of the employee's and their kids are playing already, you should meet them. Hey, Dinah!" Lauren called over a beautiful and tan girl.

"Hey Lauren" Dinah smiled sweetly, looking down at the shorter brunette. "And you must be Camila?"

"That's me." The two shook hands.

"My Dad works with yours in the kitchen. Lucky place to be if you ask me." Dinah joked, making Camila more comfortable already. "You should really come play with us some time, it's really fun."

"Lauren Michelle Jauregui!" The three girls and just about everyone else in the 3 acre backyard had heard. "Get your ass inside here, NOW!"

"Shit." Lauren muttered under her breath before hopping on the nearest golf cart and driving back to the house.

"She's a normal teen like us." Dinah said, nodding towards Lauren before they lost sight of her. "Earlier she was complaining how she thinks you hate her."

"I-I don't hate her, no." Camila said nervously. "I just hate the idea of working for people like her."

"I totally understand," Dinah smiled. "I think you're being too quick to judge her though. Clara Jauregui is the one that you should despise. She's the one that treats every employee like crap."

"And her husband?" Camila questioned further.

"Him and Lauren are pretty much the same, except he's gone on business trips way more. Whenever he's back they usually ask to not be disturbed." Dinah shrugged. "Are you sure you don't want to play?"

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