Chapter 3

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"Please let me in, I need to talk to her." Camila demanded the large bodyguards in front of the entrance of the light house.

"Name?" One man asked in a low serious tone.

"Camila. Head Chef Cabello's daughter." She rolled her eyes, completely annoyed since she was in a hurry.

"Lauren, a Camila Cabello is here to see you. Should I send her up?" He asked into his ear piece radio.

"Sure." Lauren's voice sounded back, making the man nod in approval.

Camila was suddenly met with a spiral staircase, and an old one at that. Her biggest fear was heights but she couldn't let it stop her from at least apologizing to the green eyed billionaire.

"Lauren," Camila got to the top, calling out to the girl who was leaning over the railing as she herself held on for dear life. "Lauren please come here, I-I'm sorry."

Lauren turned around, chuckling to herself. "Miss Cabello are you afraid of heights?"

"M-Maybe" She swallowed hard before some wind shook the staircase. "Okay yes!"

"Come here," Lauren came close enough to grab her arm, pulling her close as she lead her to the outer balcony part where she once stood. "Just block out all the shaking and admire the view. You won't think about it as much." Lauren's arm wrapped around Camila's shoulders, feeling the girl finally relax after a minute or two.

"I-I came here to say I'm sorry." She said quietly, almost sounding ashamed.

"No," Lauren responded, taking a deep breath as she unwrapped her arm from the shorter girl. "You don't have to be sorry. You were.. right. I've been born and raised with luxuries that people would kill to have and I take advantage of them almost every single day. I have servants which is definitely some kind of 19th century bullshit." She shook her head, leaning over the rails once again to look at the calming ocean.

"Dinah showed me the things I was too stubborn to acknowledge." Camila spoke up. "The little home-school you set up for the kids, and how you and your father spend time together to rebuild the cars that I stupidly commented about."

Lauren huffed out.

"I'm sorry. And I mean it." Camila continued. "People like you aren't the one's that I thought. People like you are the one's who look for and impact lives for the better, and you really do mean something to the world. It was wrong of me to say things I did" Her face turned beet red, completely flustered. "I-I hope you forgive me."

Lauren stayed quiet, still looking out to the ocean.

"You're the first person to talk to me the way you did." She stated, making Camila worry.

"And I'm so so sor-"

"It actually made me feel like a normal person." Lauren continued, making the shorter brunette even more confused. "I mean, the only people to ever raise their voices and tell me off like that are my mother, stock brokers, or some other angry divorced business men." She slightly smiled over to Camila. "Now I'm not saying to do it again, but it was nice. Refreshing, even."

A couple minutes in a comfortable silence went by, before the shorter girl spoke up again. "To make it up to you, I think I have an idea."

"What?" Lauren quirked an eyebrow.

"You say that you want to feel like a 'normal person' right?"

"I guess.." She responded cautiously, not knowing where Camila was going with it.

"Well, it's still pretty early. Why don't we spend the rest of the day doing things that people actually do. Instead of staying cooped up in this small town." Her eyes lit up, letting go of the railing before another gush of wind came by. "Shit," She held onto Lauren for dear life, causing the guards to take notice as if the billionaire was actually being attacked.

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