Chapter 4

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Rags and Riches - 4

"Thank you... For today. It was actually really fun and relaxing, I should do it way more often." Lauren spoke up during their five hour slow flight back home. Camila had said nothing ever since they left the pier, and Lauren was fed up with the girls mood swings. "What's your problem Camila?"

"You know what my problem is?" Camila turned her head, speaking in a harsh and quick tone of voice. "The fact that you had to lie about me and my father for your own sake. I wouldn't have minded being invisible, in fact, I would have liked it better that way so I can stick to who I am. Today was probably the best day of my life, up until that moment." She rolled her eyes before slumping back into her seat.

"I told you, they're judgmental. Acacia Brinley is pretty much the epitome of the word bitch, and the magcon guys are all douchebags. Besides Shawn and sometimes Hayes. Beside that, they wouldn't have spent a second even looking at you-"

"Really? Or is it something more than that, Lauren? Do you think they would have judged me, or you?" Camila stated more than asked, now speaking under her own breath, "No one wants to see the famous billionaire with the daughter of one of her servants." Camila then blocked Lauren out with earphones for the rest of the plane ride, leaving the green eyed girl to her own thoughts.
As soon as they landed, Lauren made Camila rush off the plane as soon as possible. The flight attendants finally realized who she was, and started making a big commotion among the crowd. There were cell phones in the air trying to snap a picture of the two girls, but they made a quick escape to the awaiting car a couple yards away from the plane.

"Would you like to explain this to me?" Ryan, Lauren's main publicist asked from the passenger seat of the car as he handed her the phone.

The screen was showing a breaking news story pertaining Lauren and Camila, with the title 'Jauregui and the New Mystery... Girlfriend?'. The article talked about how Lauren was spotted multiple times throughout Los Angeles, smiling bigger than ever with the new mystery girl. Pictures were also added, and Lauren realized that people were secretly taking picture of them from a distance. She had to admit that the pictures were actually cute and represented their day together almost perfectly, but she also knew that a new trouble had just erupted.

There was also a quote from the one and only Acacia, saying that 'the mystery girl' is the daughter of 'some guy' on Wall Street and that Camila was going to be at the party tomorrow night most likely as Lauren's date. The green eyed girl slumped back, annoyed with Acacia's thirst for 30 more seconds of fame and digging a bigger hole for her.

"Lauren, what were you thinking? Spending a day in LA without telling anyone?" Ryan spoke quietly since Camila was sleeping in the backseats next to the billionaire. "And out of everyone you know, why her?"

"She's different." Lauren was almost too quick to answer, before regaining herself. "She showed me what it's like to be normal. I wanted to be like one of the tourist and I'm not going to apologize for finally doing what I want and having the time of my life, Ryan."

"I'm not asking for an apology. I'm asking you to realize that you're never going to be just 'normal'. You were born in the spotlight, Laur. You can't escape the fame that surrounded you for the past 18 years of your god damn life." They finally pulled into the Palisades, through the big rich gates of the neighborhood. "You see that gate? And these homes?" Ryan pointed all around, nearly hitting John the driver. "You think that you can just escape this life whenever you want?"

"Yes." Lauren stood her ground. "I wasn't mauled and harassed, unlike whenever I'm seen with you. You literally bring the attention to us in which I don't understand." The car finally made it to the gates of her driveway. "John, please stop the car. And Ryan, please get out."

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