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Sorry for any typos!

A bright light took over the vision of everybody in the room before going away a few seconds later as everyone came to.

Groaning could be heard as everyone rubbed their eyes, trying to get their vision clearer.

"What the fuck?" A strong British voice rang out.

What the hell is happening?" Another strong, deep voice rang out.

Everyone continued to rub at their eyes and try to see better. A few minutes later, everyone's vision began to clear up and they could finally see what was going on.

"What the hell..." another British voice questioned, looking around at the other men getting up off the floor.

"Where are we?" Another voice spoke up.

And then everyone started to speak at once. Voices overlapped with eachother as everyone shouted and tried to figure out what was going on.

Can everyone please shut up now?

Everyone stopped what they were doing at the voice that boomed from the loud speaker. They all looked around to try to figure out who exactly was speaking until they spoke back up.

Now, if you all will be quiet, I will explain.

Everyone nodded slowly and remained silent.

Okay, now, I can tell that you all are very confused right now and probably slightly scared, but don't worry, no one will hurt you. Well, most of you.

Everyone eyes widened as they glanced around at who they could be referring to.

But anyway, everyone is here because you all have a relation with one person.

Everyone glanced around as they tried to decipher who the person that ties them all together was.

"Sorry, but in what world am I tied together with a fucking football player?" John Mayer asked, gesturing to Travis.

Travis furrowed his eyebrows and opened his mouth to speak before the voice cut him off.

Shut up, John. If anyone here shouldn't be speaking, it's you. Anyway, that Person is Taylor Swift.

Everyone started looking at eachother again before it all clicked. "Ooohhh, yeah. That makes sense."

Great, glad to hear it.

"But, why are we here? Is Taylor also hear?" Jake asked, not wanting to confront his past ex.

No, she is not. I figured that would be awkward. Also, she's a busy woman, she probably doesn't have time for this,

"And we do?!" Matty asked.

Yep! Anyway, ready for me to keep going with the explanation?

Everyone nodded.

Awesome, so the reason you all are here is to listen to some Taylor Swift songs.

"Uh, why?" Jake asked.

Because I feel as if it's time for you to hear and learn from your mistakes.

"Our mistakes? How has nobody taken to consideration that she might be the problem?" Calvin asked.

Because she can do no wrong. Now, if you'll let me finish. The point of this is just to listen to the songs, and decided amongst yourselves if she portrayed the story well enough. So, any further questions?

Taylor Lautner raised his hand. "So, is the world just moving on normally while we're stuck here? Won't our family and the general public be confused as to where we disappeared to?"

Good question. That joke about Taylor being too busy earlier was a joke. Everything is actually frozen in time for the time being. And that being said, some people here are actually from different years. As an example, Jake and Joe Jonas are going us from 2021, while Harry, Taylor, and John are from 2023, and others are from 2024. So some things that happened for some haven't happened for others. Now, on that topic, before we begin, I'm gonna need everyone, one by one, to stand up and say their names and what year they were in before they came here. Got it? Now, go!

Everyone glanced around at who was gonna go first until Taylor Lautner spoke first. "Uh, I'm Taylor Lautner, and I was in 2023."

"Um, Joe Jonas, 2021."

"Calvin Harris, 2023."

"Jake Gyllenhaal, 2021."

"Harry Styles, 2023."

"Conor Kennedy, 2024."

"John Mayer, 2023."

"Matty Healy, 2024."

"Joe Alwyn, 2023."

Tom Hiddleston, 2022."

"Travis Kelce, 2024."

And that should be everyone! Now, any other questions before we begin?

Tom raised his hand. "Who's the first ex and the latest ex, just for context?"

The ex dating back the furthest is Joe Jonas from 2008 and the most recent ex is Matty Healy, from 2023.

"What about this guy, I don't remember ever hearing about a football player." Jake commented.

That's 'cause you're from 2021 and this guy is Taylor's current boyfriend.

Everyone nodded and Travis smiled sheepishly, while Joe Alwyn remained still and quiet, his break up still fresh, especially after hearing about the new guy she clearly moved on with.

Alright! Now, can we begin?

Everyone begrudgingly nodded.

Alright, let's get on with the first song!


And there's the introduction! Hope you enjoyed it:)

Leave requests for what you want them to listen to!

And, just so you know, I plan to try too write everyone as realistically as possible, no matter how much I might hate that person👍

So, anyway, thx for reading. I'll hopefully have the next chapter up either tonight or tomorrow!

I Think I've Seen This Film Before~ A Taylor Swift Reaction BookWhere stories live. Discover now