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A/N - So @autumnsw1nter said they wanted to see how I would write a Wintumn fight. So I set it to Taylor Swift cause revenge...hopefully this fluff specialist delivered some quality hurt... thank you to The Council for all your help As always please let me know if you have any requests for chapters (anything, doesn't have to be music related) and thanks for reading!

Autumn had been on her own for nearly twenty years now. Her father was more than happy to help her find and afford a place of her own, one that still lived up to the standard he held for his family, the second she turned eighteen. He was even more eager to help when Reece said he would also move out around that time. Roger would finally be free from the "burden" of his children being at home and Autumn would finally be free from the clutches of her controlling father.

With her father's help she found a place she could see being her forever home, a place that she could make her own. And she set to that task right away. All of the rooms were arranged exactly how she wanted them and had not changed once since she had moved in. It was entirely her space, a place where she was comfortable to be herself. It was a place she always planned to keep all her own, never letting anyone get close enough to come in and upset her routines.

Until Winter.

Winter had turned Autumn's life upside down. From the second their lips first touched, it was like Autumn's entire world view changed; she realized that she may not be as okay with spending her life alone as she always thought. Day after day, the house she loved so much started to feel more lonely; the second he walked out the door the house would feel overwhelmingly empty. Autumn found that she didn't want him to have to leave anymore, that for the first time in her life she found someone whose company she enjoyed more than her time alone. She soon noticed that more and more of his clothes were kept at her place. He brought his cookware over so that he could make her dinner every night and his favorite pillow was now a permanent fixture on "his side" of the bed. It just made sense for Winter to finally move in officially.

But Winter moving in was a much bigger adjustment than she anticipated. She didn't realize how important her systems still were to her until someone came in and disrupted them. It was never anything big : a knife left on the side of the sink instead of just washing it or the toilet paper being left on the counter instead of put in the dispenser; things that on their own wouldn't bother her...but they just kept adding up. Every time she asked him to change something he would, he wouldn't even put up a fight but somehow everyday there was a new little annoyance.

Autumn had an absolutely awful day. From the time she arrived there was an endless parade of angry parents, each with a complaint more insane than the last. Each tedious conversation chipped away at her patience making it harder to keep her anger in check. It was a wonder that her bat hadn't made an appearance at any point in the day. Usually she would just go visit Winter in the rooms whenever she felt this annoyed, just being able to see him was enough to calm her down, but he was not working today. They texted throughout the day and she even called him over her lunch break, but it just wasn't enough to calm her fraying nerves. It didn't help that the rest of her work kept piling up as parents kept interrupting her day. When it was time to go home, she had hardly done any of her daily tasks and a pile of new paperwork sat untouched. She hated having to leave this much work until the next day, but she couldn't stay a minute longer. If she did, she might explode.

It became clear she was in a worse mood than she thought when she realized she had no recollection of driving home. She "came to" when she pulled into her driveway, her hands sore from how tightly she had been gripping the steering wheel; the silence of the car washing over her and filling her with anxiety. Music was incredibly important to Autumn, she never even drove down the street without it. She leaned back pressing her head into the headrest, doing everything she could think of to relax. She took deep breaths and tried to focus her mind on the man waiting for her inside. Her shoulders slightly started to loosen as she pictured Winter waiting for her with open arms, how his embrace would make everything okay again. How he always made everything okay.

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