Dancing in the Dark

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A/N - This got... out of hand. Smut warning 

Winter didn't know why he even talked to Charlotte anymore. She couldn't keep a secret to save her life, everyone knew that. But for some reason he kept telling her things, including admitting to how he tried to make money while he was in university. He knew there was no way she actually knew about him dancing to the "bow chicka wow wow" music, but at that moment he was so shocked by how accurate her joke was that he responded without thinking.

It shouldn't have come as a surprise to him when, not even 10 minutes later, Autumn pulled him into a deserted corner of the hallway to question what she had just heard from Char. The couple knew each other better than they knew anyone else, so it always came as a surprise when they found out something new. They both loved that even after all the time they've spent together, after all of their conversations they still had little mysteries for the other to uncover. Most often it was Autumn who could surprise Winter with her past, but every once and a while Winter would be able to shock her.

This was a story, though, that he would have liked to keep under wraps at least a while longer. Even though they were married and Autumn had more than proven her attraction to Winter, he still got nervous that she would realize just how out of his league she was. He thought admitting just how disastrous that performance was would speed that process along. But as he explained everything to her he felt the tension in the hallway rising. Winter's eyes stayed locked on Autumn's as she closed the distance between them at an unbearably slow pace. Finally she placed a quick kiss on his lips. Even though it was short, he could feel how much desire she had put behind it.

"Now that's something I'd like to see."

She sauntered away leaving Winter frozen to the spot, dumbfounded, as he thought about the way her eyes darkened more and more with every word he said. His mind replayed the way her gaze trialed down his body and how her voice dripped with lust as she responded. As he watched her round the corner to the office, she shot him a quick wink that sent shivers down his spine. God, he was so in love with her. He would truly do anything to make her happy. If she wanted to see him perform, then a performance she would have. Really, what kind of husband would he be if he denied such a simple request?

The couple had driven to work separately that day as Autumn had to attend an afternoon board meeting that would likely keep her at work later than Winter. She was always in a very tense mood after meetings with her father, so she was looking forward to a quiet evening at home with her husband. As she entered the house she found each room illuminated with dozens of candles. She made her way into the lounge to find the furniture had been moved leaving a single chair in the center of the room. On it she found the remote to their sound system and a note that simply read:

Press Play xx

There was no doubt in her mind what was about to happen. Her excitement was evident as she quickly took a seat, fixing her eyes on the lounge door as she pressed play. As the intro to I'm Too Sexy began Autumn's hand flew immediately to her mouth, her eyes grew wide as she tried to stifle a laugh at the song choice. But as soon as Winter walked through the door in just his dressing gown, she was mesmerized.

She watched intently as Winter slowly undid the belt on his dressing gown, revealing the speedo he had been trying to convince her was the perfect costume for the Halloween ball. He made his way over to the chair, trying (and failing) to get every step to land on beat. It was clear that he was focusing too hard, Autumn knew full well that he could dance, that was what drew her to him in the first place. As the music went on though she saw him settle into the performance and his movements became more in time. His growing confidence was undeniably a turn on.

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