Savages (2)

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I was woken up by an loud banging on my bedroom door.

" Come in " I yelled, quickly realizing that Jack had fallen asleep next to me last night. We are both screwed if Sam sees us in the same bed because he will be quick to jump to conclusions and kill Gilinsky. Surprisingly, when i turn over jack isn't there. I turn back over to face Sam.

" Have you seen Jack g " Sam asked

" nooooo, why is he missing or something" I questioned trying to sound innocent, even though I'm a terrible lier.

" Never mind he probably just went home or something " Sam just walked out my room without another word. I took a deep breath before getting up and walked over to my closet to pick clothing to wear.

" OH MY GAWD!" i screamed once i saw jack crouched down on my closet floor. Sam bursted through the door seconds later. I stood in front of where Jack was.

" Why the hell did you scream, are you okay" Sam questioned out of breath, from I'm guessing running up the stairs.

" Yeah, i'm fine i just thought i saw a spider, but it was just a shadow" i faked smiled.

After Sam left I turned to face Jack.

" Why the hell are you in my closet" i asked

" When i heard Sammy banging on the door, I ran into the closet before you woke up"he said, standing up, he was only about three inches taller than me. I felt the awkward silence grow until he finally spoke up.

"Well I should probably go before Sam comes back." he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Jack was a straight up savage and jumped out my window and I was currently texting my good friend, Blake.

Flaky Blakey: You have to come visit me in nj

Em: for the millionthed time I'm not flying out there alone

Blake had been trying to convince me visit her in New Jersey ever since I met her on a family vacation. I really did miss New Jersey, Sam and I spent a whole summer there and my mom and step-dad came and flew back home with us.

Flaky Blakey: then bring that hot piece of ass you call a brother

Em: my brother is not a hot piece of ass

Em: he's just a hot mess

Flaky Blakey: come on he's only ur step- brother so it's less weird if you admit he's hawt

Em: I gtg

I walked over to my closet and pulled out light grey nike shorts and a plain black short sleeve shirt. I decided not to take a shower, so i just throw my clothes and walk down stairs. My mom was seated at the dining room table eating an apple while I'm guessing, doing paperwork. I noticed her look up from her paperwork at me.

" I need you to do the laundry, wash the dishes and take out the trash and it all better be done before the day is over." she spoke sternly, not even looking up from her work.

"But its-"

"Just do as you are told, I'm not in the mood today" I let out an exaggerated sigh, earning a mean look from my mom.

Well I'm going eat before I have to slave away and basically clean the whole house.


Just as i was about to fall asleep for a nap because, I'm tired from doing my chores, my phone buzzed. Its was a text from Lauren, my friend.

Lauren Harris: wanna hang out at mine with a few people.

Em: whats a few people

Lauren Harris: 20-40

Em: so its a party

Lauren Harris: basically

Em: what time it at

Lauren Harris: 9:00

Em: ill go

She didn't text me back after that so i decided to squeeze a few episodes of OITNB before I got ready.

* more than a few episodes later*

" oh shits its already eight fifteen " i curse to myself.

I walk over to my closet and pullout a flannel and skinny jeans. I quickly replace my shorts with jeans and throw my flannel over the black shirt I was already wearing. I walk down the hall to my mom's room and just walk in without knocking.

" Hey mom can go over to Lauren's" I ask

" Who's Lauren" she asks

"My friend" I rely

" Did you do all your chores"

" Yeah "

" Be home by 1 am and if I find out you didn't do all your chores, your ass is grass." she said simply

"Thanks mom, love you" I hug her.

" Love you too."

I walked into my bathroom and applied eyeliner, mascara, blush and nude lipgloss. I took my medium length hair and straightened it.

I grab my phone and check the time, it's only nine'o one. The sudden realization that I have no real way of getting to the party. Guess I'm walking, I mean she only lives two blocks from my house.


The music was too loud.

Everyone was one was too drunk.

And I was too annoyed with everything.

I had been at this party for about an hour and nothing was really happened, besides the fact that some girl almost puked on me, other than that I have been sitting on a couch, on my phone. Most of the girls here were wearing tight dresses or short shorts, making me feel kind lame for being so conservative. Someone yelled out truth or dare but I wasn't going to play with people I barley know.

You know what, fuck this party, I'm going home.

I pushed through the crowd of teenagers until, I reached the front door.  I leaned against the side of the house as I debated how I was getting home, considering I was too lazy to walk. I notice someone next to me was smoking, what smelled like weed.

" Want some " the person extended their hand with joint toward me. It became clear who the person was.

It was Jack.

" sure, why not" I shrugged


THIS CHAPTER WAS EXACTLY 1000 WORDS {not including the authors note}

remember : hugs not drugs

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