Aliens and Ghosts

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Kakashi and Sakura watched helplessly from the sidelines as Naruto and Sasuke attacked the alien goddess, Kaguya. The entire situation was obscenely ridiculous.



Not to mention the unbreakable genjutsu that Madara had unleashed upon the world, the infinite Tsukuyomi. The ten tails had just been one scene of absurdly massive power after another. Oh, and his long-believed dead former teammate had reappeared. He'd been an enemy, an ally, then dead once again—for real this time. More shinobi than Kakashi cared to count had been resurrected to fight on one side or the other before succumbing again. All in all, Kakashi was fairly sure there wasn't anything that could happen that would surprise him after being witness to such madness.

He should have known better than to assume.

Sakura shouted something incoherent just before crashing into him, sending them both hurtling backwards. He braced for impact with the rocky terrain... but it never came.

Instead of sharp rock, soft, green grass cushioned their fall.

Oh. They were back to the dimension skipping.


Another insane adventure they'd experienced that day. Once they stopped rolling—Sakura landing beneath him, her thighs bracketing his hips in a way that on any normal day would have made for an awkward situation, but just then it was the least outstanding thing that had happened so far—Kakashi pushed up on his forearms with a groan and looked around. Seeing no immediate threat, he glanced down at Sakura.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

She shook her head as she strained to see past the grass blocking most of her view. "I'm fine. Where do you think we are this time?"

"Hm. Actually, it looks familiar." How similar were trees from one dimension to the next? He took a deep inhale through his nose. It smelled the same too. "A familiar alternate dimension?"

Sakura shifted beneath him, gripping the side of his vest with one hand. "Kakashi-sensei... look." He looked in the direction she indicated. "Is that...?"

Absently and reflexively, he reminded her, "Don't call me sensei..." Huh. Not an alternate dimension then. "It looks like it, yeah."

"She sent us home? How on earth did she manage that? Why? It'll take us days to get back to the front."

Kakashi winced, wishing she wouldn't shout so close to his ears. "Maybe that's why. We don't have supplies for such a long journey. I guess it's a good thing we're so close to the village."

"Yeah, I guess." She tapped his side, a faint blush tinting her cheeks. "You uh... planning to get off of me any time soon, Kakashi?"

Now she remembers. "Sorry." He pushed himself back and off of her, taking her hand to pull her to her feet after him. "Let's go. Who knows how long Sasuke and Naruto will last without us."

She scoffed, the sound bitter, her words acidic. "It's not like we were much help."

"They'll need you at least. I can't imagine they'll get out of that fight unscathed."

Tearing off her remaining sleeve, she stalked angrily towards the village. "Tch. If that's the case, by the time we get back they'll be dead. Freaking alien bitch."

Kakashi huffed derisively as he followed along behind her. Freaking alien bitch, indeed.

As they trekked closer to the village, leaving the training grounds behind, the still evening air was not as silent as it ought to have been. They glanced at one another.

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