Freaky Fazbear

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It's been two weeks. Me, Tin Man, and Moby have been gangbanging every single day, clanking each other aggressively. Sometimes, we take rotations in having sex, such as me and Tin Man, then Tin Man and Moby, and I've even started thugging it out with Moby.

But sometimes... we get even freakier...


We all have a threesome!!!

You will not believed how much oil has gotten on the walls. It gets crazy. There was this one time, and my memory is a bit hazy, but Tin Man decided to get a little kinky. He asked Moby "Can you please squirt oil all over me? 🥺"

Moby obliged, and for the next 5 minutes, I watched Moby spread over Tin Man spray his oil all over him.

And that's only the tip (no pun intended) of how freaky it can get in our household.

I wonder if three people can get married together. Because after all these steamy sessions of intercourse, I think we truly belong with each other.

Side note: Robots can't get pregnant right? I really don't wanna invest my money into buying robot-sized condoms...

Short part written by Evan cause he wanted to write one 😈🔥🔥

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