6- im gonna kill ava paige

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I watch as the others walk around, taking a better look at the place now that it's bright out. I sit down next to Brenda, checking on my wound. Last night, I had to bandage it up myself using a bit of fabric that I ripped off my top.

The bleeding has stopped but the wound is still open. I already had a hard enough time sleeping, this being on my thigh really didn't help. I tie the fabric around it again, making it a little looser than before.

"What happened to it?" Brenda asks, glancing at my thigh. "I'm not sure, last night something happened, I dont know what it was though," I explain. I gently wipe some of the blood off my leg and hands with the fabric.

I dip the fabric in water to clean it, watching as the blood washes out. I glance up at Thomas, watching him tidy something up. My eyes wander down to his ass again.

I hear a slight laugh from beside me which snaps me out of my thoughts. "Checking out his ass?" Brenda teases. I roll my eyes, "he's my boyfriend, I'm allowed to admire it!" I say defensively.

"He hasn't even got the best ass here," Brenda says, a teasing smirk on her face. "Well, it's his ass so it's my favourite," I say playfully. "Besides, who do you think has a better ass?" I ask.

She grins, "for example, me," she says. I chuckle and shake my head, "god, you're the worst," I say lightheartedly. I smile softly, enjoying the moment of distraction from the harsh reality of the situation.

"Eh, you could use a few squats," Brenda says teasingly. "You're so mean to me," I say, dramatically placing a hand over my heart as if her words deeply offended me. "You're such a baby," she says playfully.

I chuckle and ring the water out of the fabric before wrapping it around my thigh again. I create a little bow with the excess fabric, "pretty" I mutter to myself.

"You're such a girl," Brenda laughs. "Wow, big revelation there, Brenda," I say sarcastically. "Eh, you love me..." she grins. I shake my head, laughing at her teasing.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, focused on our own thoughts. The only sound heard is people walking around and tidying up. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear someone speak.

"What do we do now?" Frypan asks. We all glance at each other, waiting to see if anyone has an answer to that. "Well, we pick up what's left of us," Vince says. "If we stick to the plan, we can get you kids to the Safe Haven... and we start over, I guess."

I look at him skeptically, thinking about everyone who was captured. Sonya, Aris, Minho, and that's just the people I already know well. That aircraft was packed, there were probably a hundred other kids on there, who knows what's happening for them now.

Thomas stands up, putting his bag over his shoulders. "I'm not going with you," he says. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and concern. "What?" Vince asks, looking at Thomas with an equally as puzzled look as the rest of us.

"I made a promise to Minho, I wouldn't leave him behind," Thomas says. "I have to go after him." We all stand up as well. "Hey, kid, look around you," Vince says, gesturing to the ruins that surround us.

"Alright? W.C.K.D just kicked our ass," he says, "you think about where you're headed." Thomas shrugs, "I'm not asking anyone to come with me," he says.

"Thomas, listen to me," Newt says, stepping towards him. "I've known Minho for... well, as long as I can remember. So, if there was any way that we could help him, trust me, I would up there standing next to you. This, what you're talking about, is impossible."

Jorge walks towards Thomas, Brenda and I follow him. "More like suicide," he says. Thomas glances between us all, "maybe... but I know what I'm supposed to do now," he says.

"It's not just about Minho, it's about all of us. It's about everyone W.C.K.D's ever taken, everyone they will take. They'll never stop... they'll never stop, so I'm gonna stop them."

I watch Thomas, a sense of dread washing over me about what he means. "Thomas, what are you saying?" I ask, stepping closer to him so I'm directly behind him. He turns to look at me, "I'm gonna kill Ava Paige," he says.

It takes all my strength to hide my true reaction to those words. I know he has no clue, but hearing your boyfriend say he's going to kill your mother, it's not exactly my idea of a good time.

Harriet steps forward as she speaks up, "I have to admit..." she says. "I'd like some revenge," she finishes. I glance between everyone, feeling conflicted here. "Well, that's a good speech, kid," Vince says, "so, what's your plan?"

A/N; short chapter bc I was really struggling with this one! Little bit of writers block atm due to a busy schedule and stress but I'm back! I'll be updating more consistently now and I hope the next chapters will be better and longer than this one! Love you all 💐💐

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