15- im going with them

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⚠️; mentions of cuts/wounds on wrists!

We watch as Gally lowers a ladder down the manhole in the floor. "Be careful, Thomas," Jorge whispers. Thomas nods in response, looking back at me.

"If you don't come back, I'll find you... and if you're not already dead, I'll kill you," I threaten Thomas, he gives a light huff of amusement and nods.

"Seriously though, I love you, be careful," I say, gently pulling him into a hug.

His arms wrap around my waist, his chin resting on my head. "I love you too," he whispers into my hair, kissing the top of my head.

As he pulls back, he gives me a light tap on the hip in an attempt to reassure me.

Right as Gally is about to enter the manhole, Frypan speaks up. "Gally," he begins, gaining Gallys attention. "Take care of these two," he says.

Gally nods, giving Frypan a quick "yeah" as he climbs down into the hole.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Newt sit down. I give Thomas one last nod before walking over, sitting next to Newt.

"How're you feeling?" I whisper, looking down at where he's rubbing his arm.

He flexes and unflexes his arm, obviously hating the feelings he's experiencing. "Been better," he huffs, glancing past me to watch as Thomas climbs down the ladder.

I turn to look over my shoulder too, a slight feeling of dread in my stomach as I watch my boyfriend lower himself into the manhole.

Newt seems to notice my expression as he places a hand on my thigh, giving it a light squeeze. "He'll be fine, if that idiot can survive a night in the Maze, he can survive this," Newt assures me.

I chuckle softly, shaking my head. "God, he really is a dumbass," I sigh, resting my head on Newts shoulder.

"He's my dumbass though..." I frown, looking at Brenda.

Newt scoffs, patting me on the back. "I've got to head down with 'em, you try not to kill Brenda while you're up here, alright?" He jokes as he stands up. I give him a little grin and shrug, "I'll do my best."

As I watch Newt climb down the ladder, an urge to follow them washes over me. I glance at the rest of them, specifically Lawrence.

I step forward, glancing down the hole. "I'm going with them," I say. Lawrence tilts his head to the side, "are you now? I thought we all agreed only two would go..." He says tauntingly.

"Look, if anyone can get you in, it's me," I say, instantly regretting my words but not backing down anyway. "What is with these children, oh my god," Lawrence says, sounding like he's tired of dealing with us.

"I'm going, whether you like it or not," I say, sitting down on the edge of the manhole. Jorge, Brenda, and Frypan look at me confusedly. "Hey, what are you doing?" Jorge asks.

"I know something that none of you do, and I can't tell you now," I sigh. "All you need to know, is I got my memory back..." I say, leaving them with that knowledge and dropping down into the hole.

The water at the bottom of the tunnel splashes up at me as I land on my ass. "Fucking perfect," I huff, standing up and wincing as the water gets into some of the newer wounds on my wrist.

I gently move the bandage on my wrist so I can check that everything is alright. "Really not my day, huh?" I say rhetorically as I notice signs of infection on one of the cuts.

I glance up at the hole above me, the light shining down being the only source of light I have. I glance around and make a rash decision to just go forward in hopes that it's the right way.

"Thomas! Newt! Gally!" I call out, my eyes wide as they adjust to the lack of light. Suddenly, I hear faint splashing ahead of me.

I pick up the pace, following them as fast as possible and sighing in relief when I finally see lights ahead of me.

They seem to hear me as they quickly turn around, reaching for their guns. I hold my hands up, "it's me, Jade!" I yell.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Thomas asks as I approach them. I glance at Newt, contemplating telling them the truth. "I can't tell you everything," I begin, looking at Thomas and Gally.

"But, what I can tell you, is you're gonna need me," I finish. Gally raises an eyebrow, "why would we need you?" He asks skeptically.

"Because I have more information than any of you do and I just- god, can you guys just trust me on this?" I sigh. Gally rolls his eyes and glances between me and Thomas.

"We can't exactly send 'er back," Newt says. "Yeah, Lawrence would kill me," I say, slightly awkward now that I realise my lack of planning is going to be an issue.

"Just, follow us then," Gally says with a shrug. We continue down the now lit up tunnel, "stay with me, we got a ways to go," Gally says.

I glance at Thomas, feeling a wave of guilt wash over me as I realise I may just have caused a problem. "Sorry," I mumble, staring down at my shoes. "Just- don't be dumb," Thomas responds with a shrug.

"I won't be," I huff softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. That's his specialty after all, not mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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