Chapter Eight

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I didn't notice the first chime, too lost in the sting of my thoughts. But then, the buzzing wouldn't stop—relentless, insistent. I blinked back the tears clouding my vision and reached for my phone, swiping at the screen to see what the fuss was about.

A notification popped up. "Do you want to block this account?"

It was Hannah's profile. Her mocking face stared back at me from her profile picture. Of course, it was her. She was always behind the worst of it. My heart pounded in my chest, but I didn't give it much thought before I pressed "Block." The buzzing stopped instantly, and for a moment, there was silence.

It should've felt like a relief, but the unease didn't leave me.

The next morning, as I made my way to school, I already knew what was waiting for me. Whatever people might've started to forget, that viral video had resurfaced it all. I could feel it in the pit of my stomach, a churning sensation that told me today wasn't going to be any different from all the other awful days.

As I walked through the school gates, the whispers started. I could feel eyes on me, the way people glanced my way and quickly looked away when I met their gaze. The hallway felt narrower, the walls pressing in as I made my way to my locker. It didn't matter that I'd blocked Hannah's account—the damage was done. Everyone had seen it.

They always looked at me like that—like I was something to be ashamed of, like I didn't belong here.

For a second, I thought about walking out of here—just disappearing. Dropping out, leaving everything behind, and never looking back. The thought was tempting, almost too easy. My hand tightened around the strap of my bag, and I turned to leave.


I froze, the familiar voice stopping me mid-step. It was Sebastian. Of course, it was him.

He jogged over, a look of concern etched across his face. "I'm sorry about what Hannah posted," he said, his voice soft but sincere. "She's... horrible. You didn't deserve that."

I didn't know what to say. His words were kind, but it didn't change anything. The damage was done. Still, I nodded, unable to muster much more than that.

"I'll walk you to your exam," he offered, not waiting for a response.

I fell into step beside him. Sebastian talked—about the exam, about school, about the weather. I barely listened. My mind was elsewhere, tangled in a mess of thoughts I couldn't escape.

Calculus had never been my thing, but today... today was different. Somehow, I managed to make it through, my brain surprisingly helping me work through the problems. By the end, I was confident I'd done well. An A or at least an A-, maybe. I hadn't expected that.

After the exam, Sebastian was waiting for me in the hallway. I didn't even have time to process the relief of being done with it before he was at my side again, talking, keeping me company. I nodded here and there, just enough to let him know I was listening, but inside, I was still a million miles away.

And then there was Chad.

"Well, well, if it isn't the star of the latest school scandal," Chad sneered, blocking our path. His friends snickered behind him, their laughter grating against my nerves.

Sebastian tensed beside me.

Chad's eyes narrowed, his smirk widening as he looked between me and Sebastian. "So, what is it? Is he your new s*x toy now, Mia? Already moved on?"

Before I could react, Sebastian lunged. His hands gripped Chad's shirt, slamming him against the locker with a force that made a metallic clang echo through the hall.

"Stay out of it, Chad," Sebastian growled, his voice low and dangerous.

For a moment, Chad's bravado faltered, but then the smirk returned. "Touchy, aren't we?"

Sebastian was still gripping Chad's shirt when the sound of footsteps filled the hallway. I turned just in time to see Principal Reynolds, striding toward us, but it wasn't just him. Officer Hallowe was with him, his usual stern expression locked in place.

My heart stuttered.

What's he doing here? Did they find something—evidence?

Officer Hallowe was the detective on my case. He'd been the one to question me, to ask the hard questions that made me feel like I was under a spotlight. Seeing him here... it didn't feel good. There was no comfort in it, no reassurance. Just a knot of anxiety tightening in my stomach.

Sebastian let go of Chad, stepping back as the principal approached. The hallway went eerily quiet, the usual buzz of students evaporating as all eyes turned toward the new arrivals. Even Chad's smirk faded, his friends falling silent like the flick of a switch.

Then I saw him. Mr. Frost, Hannah's father, trailing behind them. His face was tight, pale with stress. What the hell was going on?

Officer Hallowe's gaze crossed mine briefly, and I swear there was something cold, almost disappointed, in his eyes. He looked like a man who was angry at something—maybe at me. But why? What had I done now?

Principal Reynolds cleared his throat. "I need all of you to come with me," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument.

We followed in silence, the tension in the air palpable. The moment we entered the auditorium, I knew something was seriously wrong. The room felt different, heavier.

The principal stepped up to the front, his eyes scanning the room before he spoke again. "I'm sure by now some of you may have heard, but... Hannah Frost went missing last night. She disappeared from her room, and as of now, we have no leads."

My blood ran cold.

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