Chapter Four

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It was a Saturday, and the weekend stretched out like a promise of respite. I was still grappling with the new reality of my life, trying to adjust to Mr. and Mrs. Black's home. They were kind, but no amount of kindness could fill the void left by the traumatic events that had unfolded.

School was set to resume on Monday, just in time for my exams. I had been assigned a series of online projects and assignments to complete over the break. The pressure to catch up was intense, but it was a welcome distraction from the endless churn of my thoughts.

Today, Andy called. Her voice was bright and cheerful as she invited me to a girl's sleepover. "Hey, Mia! How about a sleepover tonight? I've got snacks and movies, and we can just hang out. It'll be fun!"

I hesitated but agreed. The idea of spending time with someone who understood, even if just a little, was comforting. Later that evening, I found myself at Andy's place, surrounded by cosy blankets and the soft glow of fairy lights.

As we settled in, Andy, ever perceptive, noticed the way I flinched at certain questions and the haunted look in my eyes. "You know, Mia," she began, her voice gentle, "I've been meaning to ask you about that day. If you're comfortable talking about it, I'd like to understand what happened."

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the memories pressing down on me. Andy's room smelled of lavender and vanilla, an oddly soothing scent. I looked at her, trying to find the right words.

"Well," I started, my voice trembling, "it was a day like any other until Chad and his friends cornered me in the gym. I was recording my workout—just trying to improve my form and make sure I wasn't making any mistakes."

 "You smell nice, Mia," he said, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Is that how your mother felt? Like she was trying to make things better, even when everything was falling apart?" He came behind me and touched me. 

I nodded slowly, my throat tightening. "I was recording to review later, but when Chad and his friends showed up, they somehow managed to sabotage the evidence. I thought I had captured everything, but they smashed my phone and erased the footage."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I continued, the memories of that day flooding back. "They took turns, and I could hear their laughter, their cruel jokes. I was so scared, and all I wanted was for someone to help me. But instead, they made sure that no one would believe me. They twisted everything, and the school just... let them get away with it."

Andy listened quietly, her expression one of deep empathy. "That sounds incredibly painful, Mia. I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

"It was like being trapped in a nightmare," I said, my voice breaking. "I felt so helpless, and now, even with all the support around me, I still feel like I'm stuck in that moment. Like I can't escape it."

Andy reached out and took my hand gently. "You're not alone, Mia. We're going to get through this together. And I promise, we'll find a way to make sure your story is heard, even if it's hard."

We spent the rest of the evening talking, sharing stories and laughter, and for a brief moment, I felt a flicker of normalcy.

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