chapter 5

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I opened my eyes and saw a bright light shining in my face. I couldn't really see anything bit I knew there were a lot of people around me. I listened in to the conversation.

" just fix it! That's my moneymaker! Do you know how long it took me to train that?!"

"We don't have any anisishia or pain killers."

"I don't give a fuck what you have! I don't care about what pain this stupid thing feels! Just make him able to fight! And maybe add an upgrade or something."

"Upgrade? That's insane! It's human! It will die!"

"Well if it can't fight after this injury I will hunt you down and kill you! Got it! You have an hour!"

I heard a door slam shut then I heard some clanking of metal. I felt a cold chain go around my wrist. Then my other wrist and my feet. They are chaining me up. But why? What's going on. Then I heard a voice whisper in my ear.

"For your sake I hope you pass out during this. Whatever you do please try not to move a lot."

I tried to say something but my throat was too dry. What is he gonna do.

Then I knew what was going on. They are doing surgery on me. While I'm awake. Without painkillers. I felt an excruciating pain in my stomach. I screamed in pain and tried to get out of the chains. "STOP! PLESE! PLEASE STOP! IT HURTS! STOP!" tears fell from my eyes. I kept screaming and my wrists started to hurt from the chains.

It felt like he has stuck his whole hand in my stomach. My organs felt like they were being crushed. The pain was unbearable. My screams got louder and louder. I just wanted this pain to stop. I would do anything. Just stop this pain. Why can't I pass out? Why do I have to go through this? Why can't I just die?

Then all of a sudden all the pain stopped. I felt pure happiness. My head felt dizzy and my thoughts started to spin. I started to laugh. A smile found itself on my face. This feeling is so good. No pain. No sadness. I looked around me. I was standing in a big black room. I smiled wider. Then I saw taki standing in front of me. I smiled "Hi taki" she didn't say anything. She just pointed to a bright light a couple a feet away from me. I smiled and put my hand out walking towards it. This is happiness. I'm going to be happy. All I have to do is walk into that light.

I was so close...I could almost touch it....but then I was ripped away.

My eyes burst open and I felt the pain again. So much pain! I felt burning on my chest. And I heard screaming all around me. Wait that's my screaming. I'm the one screaming. I saw the doctors face and he looked terrified. Like he was looking at......a monster. I saw a knife in his hand and he was looking at me with sad eyes. "No! Please! Don't! Please! No!!!"

He stepped closer then said "sorry" he jammed the knife into my head. My vision was blurred by my own blood. I screamed. My hearing suddenly got fuzzy. I could only hear murmurs. My vision was completely gone. All I could see was black. The only senses I had was the feeling of pain and the taste of my own blood in my mouth. I knew I was screaming but I couldn't hear myself. I felt hands hold my head down and the pain intensified. I couldn't do anything. I had to feel all this pain. I have no choice. I am alone.

No. I don't have to feel this pain. I can just turn it into laughter. Stop my tears with smile. I stopped screaming and started to laugh historically. My throat started to burn by how much I was laughing. This pain is horrible but I don't care. I'll turn my screams to laughter and my tears to a smile. I won't let them see me cry. Not anymore.


I slowly opened my eyes that were crusted with dried tears. I rubbed them and looked at the ceiling. Then I looked around the room. I couldn't see anything because there were white curtains all around me. I sat up and as I did I felt stings of pain all over my body. I looked down at my arm and saw tape with a tube attached to it. I ripped the tape off and saw a needle in my arm. I ripped it out and my blood splattered all over the white curtains. I slowly stood up gripping the bed for support. I rubbed my head. I opened the curtains and walked out. There was a sink and another bed in the room. I walked over to the sink then looked in the mirror at myself.

My shirt was missing and my hair was messy and covered in blood. There was red thread closing a wound on my stomach and on my back. I looked at my head and saw a wound there too. I looked into my eyes in the mirror. There was black swirls and crusted up tears all around my eyes. My eyes were bloodshot and I had dry blood all over my hair face and body. I looked at my wound and smiled.

What pretty red thread.......

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