chapter 6

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Mama walked in and saw me looking at myself in the mirror. She smiled, "hello juzo. You've been a very good boy."

I looked at her with a blank face. It was like all the emotion has been drained from my body. "Thank you mama."

"And since you've been such a good boy I got you a present. It's waiting in your room for you."

I looked at her shocked "oh. Okay." I followed her all the way back to my room and I walked in. She once again shut the thick steel door behind me and I was locked in again. I saw a box lying in the middle of the room. I sat down in front of it and stared at it. I wonder what it is. I slowly opened up the box......and then my heart sank. In the box was.......was........taki's head. Her eyes still open with fear. I frowned and pushed the box away. "I'm sorry taki but I couldnt play with you anymore. I didn't want you to live like me. I thought you would prefer to be dead. I mean death is better then living with someone like me." I looked down at my blood covered hands and I started to cry. The warm salty tears hurt my wounds but I didn't care. "I am going to be like this my whole life. No ones coming to save me. had your mom....and I have nothing. I don't even remember my parents. The only thing I remember from my past life is my name.......juuzou suzuya." I wiped my eyes and smiled "I'm juuzou suzuya."

My body ached and I felt like I was dying but I couldnt help but smile. I wasn't happy. I just wanted to smile. I wanted to feel happy even if I wasn't.

I turned my head and saw the wall starting to open and the lights from the bright arena blurred my vision. When I could see I saw a bunch of humans tied to chairs all around the arena. Children, parents, grandmas, grandpa's, all different ages. But they all had the same look on their face.......fear. I walked out with no expression. I had no feelings. My body moved but my mind was dead. I didn't care about anything. I picked up a sword and started to chop off all their heads one at a time. I didn't look at them and I ignored their screams. I was mindlessly killing and I didn't care.

But then I stopped. The little girl in front of me wasn't crying like everyone else. No...she was smileing. I stared into her red eyes. Why is she smileing. I kept down to her level and looked into her eyes. I lifted my hand and moved a lock of her white hair out of her face. "Who are you?"

She smiled wider. "I don't know."

I looked at her confused. "Why are you smileing?"

"Because. I've never seen another human before and today I've experienced more than I have ever. "

I frowned "you've never seen another human?" And then I noticed it. This girl was extremely skinny and her skin was pail white. She had black circles around her eyes. This girl must have been locked away her whole life.

She nodded her head "I mean I've seen mama but she's not human."

My eyes widened "mama! You mean I'm not mamas only good boy!"

She tilted her head. "So you must be juzo. Nice to meet you."

I lifted the sword and cut her ropes off. I stuck my hand out "nice to meet ya." I smiled.

She stared at my hand but didn't shake it. She just nodded. I looked at her confused. "Is something wrong with your hand?"

She shook her head. "No. Why?"

"Uhhh...well your supposed to shake my hand."

She looked at me confused. "But why?"

I shook my head "never mind." I handed her my sword "here. You can help me." She nodded. I grabbed another sword and continued to kill more of the people. I noticed that the girl was examining what I was doing and eventually she copied. But she was really weak and it took her a couple of swings to cut someones head off. I ignored her and continued. When I was done I looked over at her and frowned. She was sitting on the ground exhausted. I dropped my sword and sat down next to her.

Then mama walked up to us smileing. "Ya know juzo I'm very surprised that you noticed. I will allow you to keep her." She walked away and pointed to the wall that goes to my room.

I looked at the girl and knew she was too exhausted to walk so I picked her up and walked into my room. I sat her against a wall. The wall to the arena closed and I was once again locked in the dark. But this time....I wasn't alone.

The girl looked at me and smiled. "Thanks for no killing me."

I looked down. "Yeah. You shouldn't be thanking me."

She smiled. "Hey what happened to your head juzo?"

I felt the stitches an my head. "I'm not really sure." She nodded. I stared at her with curious eyes. "So wants your name?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. But mama calls me baby."

I frowned. I thought my life was bad but at least I have a name. I smiled at her. "I'll just have to give you a name then."

She smiled "okay!"

I thought for a moment "how about itami?"

She smiled. "Okay then. What does it mean?"

"Well to most people it means pain but many people don't realize it also means passion."

She nodded "I love that name. It fits me great! What dose your name mean juuzou?"

"My name means 13."

She laughed "that's weird."

I nodded "yeah."

"Hmmmm.....itami. I'm really glad I have a name now. Thank you juuzou."

I nodded. I don't know why but something about itami seems very familiar. I don't understand why I didn't kill her. Why did I save her and no the rest. It's not because she's a child. I killed all the other children. I just feel sorta......connected to her.

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