chapter 58

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ryu flung forward at one of the men and grabbed their throat, she picked him up and then threw him over the edge of the building. she laughed and said "oops."

the man next to her pointed his gun at her with wide eyes and went to pull the trigger but by that time i was behind him and slit his throat. He fell on the floor in front of me and Ryu turned her head to me. i smiled at her "like you said, i'm already going to hell aren't i? so why not kill a couple more people before i do."

she flung her kagune at my head and i ducked, her kagune peirced the man standing behind me and she flung him to the other side of the roof. i stood back up and looked at her "wow, that was close."

she smiled "you were the one who got yourself into this, not my fault that you were in the way." her kagune disappeared and her eyes were back to normal. she smiled and hugged me "thank you Juzo." she said softly.

i smiled "hey i didn't tell you you could touch me."

she started to laugh and then there was a loud bang.

suddenly her grip softened and she fell from my body, she hit the floor and i saw a large red stain on my white shirt. i looked down at her and she lied there motionless staring at me. blood poured from the side of her head. i looked to the other side of me and saw a boy holding a gun in our direction, he had just shot ryu in the head. and this boy looked familiar....

it was the boy from the diner that i met, it was Shi. (chapter 40)

he lowered his arm and stared at me with wide eyes "t-this didnt help." he said softly and tears rolled down his cheeks.

i looked away from him and knelt down next to Ryu. i lifted her head and shook her "Ryu? are you okay?..."

her eyes rolled back into her head and blood just kept spilling from the hole in the side of her head. she was pale and her body didnt move.

instead of feeling sad, thats not what i felt, i was done being sad. i was done with the tears and grieving. i was done with the pain.

i stood up and felt my whole body get hot with anger. i shot my head in Shi's direction and widened my eyes. "IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I i screamed at him.

he dropped the gun and fell "i-i just wanted to feel better. i though if i killed your love like you did to mine then i would feel better... im sorry. i thought it would help. i wanted revenge, but now i just want to take it all back."


he stood up and started crying "im Yokubos boyfriend."

i froze for a second but my brain was too hot to think clearly "i looked down and cracked my neck, then i looked up and smiled wide eyed "i dont care who you are! im going to kill you either way!"

he turned and tried to run, but i was faster. i grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the floor.

he tried to loosen my grip, but i was stronger. i lifted him up by the neck and then threw him on the floor and looked down at him.

i laughed "your nothing, im faster, im stronger, im smarter. your going to die. but i wont do you the favor of making it quick, im going to make it hurt! im going to make you wish you were never born!"

he frantically tried to crawl away but i grabbed his ankle and dragged him to the edge of the building. i held him over the edge.

he screamed "im sorry! im sorry!"

i laughed and pretended to drop him. he screamed. i pulled him back up and then threw him on the floor. i pulled out my knife and then sat on him. i held him down by his neck. i grinned evily "you know i had no idea what you were planning for me. your a really great actor, its such a shame that your not as good as a fighter." i touched my knife to his cheek. and made a small cut. he screamed and tried to get away but it was useless.

i grabbed his arm and dug my knife into it, i pushed it through his flesh making a large gash on his arm. he scremed out in pain. i set down my knife and put my hand over his mouth "shush, stop being so noisy, if you keep it up i might have to cut out that tongue of yours."

i grabbed his arm and and smiled "ill have to fix that or your going to die." i pulled out my red thread, "you said you liked my stitches when i first met you right? well how about you get some of your own."

i dug the needle into his flesh and started to pull the string through, i watched the blood spill from his arm. he screamed out but i didnt care at that moment, all i cared about was causing him pain, watching him bleed.

i finished and stood up, then kicked him in the side and watched him roll over. i kicked him again "so your Yokubos boyfriend?" i kicked him again " i wonder if he told you how many people hes killed." i kicked him again "or how he was planning on killing me." i stepped on his stomach "actually, did he even tell you he was a boy?"

he looked up at me with weak tear filled eyes "Yokubo was a good person. Yokubo didnt hurt anyone. stop saying those things about her!"

i smiled "i can say anything i want about her!" i laughed "im the one that killed her! and what are you going to do about it! im more powerful than you in every way! you are nothing! you are just a stupid human!" i lifted my knife above my head and got ready to kill him. "now die you human scum!" i thrust the knife at him.....

but it didnt hit him, there was a blue kagune that had knocked it away. i looked up and saw a tall man in a black mask standing there. he spoke in a calm voice "arent you a human too child? why do you insult your race like that. if you dont choose a side you will be lost. you kill humans yet you live as one, you kiss ghouls yet you work to kill them. why do you refuse to choose a side?"

i froze and stared at him. "w-who are you?"

he walked up to me and put his hand out to me "i am your new master, you will be joining the ghouls now......"

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