the truth

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Tw this chapter contains sectual assalt

If you are going threw this and want to talk i am here for you and just know that jesus loves you❤️

Leah pov


o i took the day off setting up my room.At least our doors had a lock so no one can come in.only letting newt in no one else.that night i heard a knock on my door"Who is it?" I asked"Its me"i heard a beatiful british voise say i walked over to the door and unlocked it.i opened the door newt came in"you gonna be alright tonigt?"he asked "I think so"i said "If you need me im just next door night love" "night blondie"

I locked my door and went to bed.the next morning when n woke up i heard a knock on my door "Who is it"i asked "Is me again"i heard a beatiful british voise say.i stood up unlocked the door and let newt in"Morning love how did you sleep?"well i coudnt tell him bad because i was alone so i just said" morning blondie It was fine"

"Enjoy your day off we will have a meeting today about you work"he said" have fun at work "i teased him he was a gardener

My faverite jobs were gardening(because newt was there)cooking and a med jack

Suddenly my door opened again i asoumed it was newt but when i turned around it was gally"what do you want?"i said while sitting up"Oh nothing"he walked closer and closer and then everything went dark

Time skip 15 minutes

I woke up in a strange room there was a window so i could see it was in the woods i think i ran past this a few times on my runs there was a bed in that i was lying on and there was a clock so i could see it was 8 hands were tried to the bed i looked around and screemed"HELLO!"someone came  in i could see it was gally and i remembered how i got here"Good your awake"he said while laughing"What are you doing with me?" I asked."Were just ganna have some fun"he said with a smirk.

He then started to kiss me and put someting in my mouth so i coudnt screem.he then takes of his clothes and mine*not ganna say the rest*while i was crying and screeming bur no one could hear me he was touching you and kissing me.when he was done it was 5 min intil the next boy came in

Over and over and over again and again 5 min in between.i could see each of there faces but not knowing their names he gave you a blanket to cover yourself for the 5 min

Newt pov

At lunch leah was not there i went to her room it was locked "Leah?" No answer so i thought she was sleeping.After an hour i went up and tryed to get in to wake her otherwise she will not sleep tonight

I coudnt get in i began to stress and broke open the door and went in she wasnt there.i went back to work.every few min  a boy came out of the forest and 5 min another went in nothing was in the forest so when another onecame out and the next in i followed him i saw him go into a wooden room i slowly moved closer and saw gally outside and the boy was probely inside i walked to the window to see inside and i saw the boy on top of leah kissing and touching her while she kicked and cryed and screamed while being tied to a bed

The boy then walked out with gally."you where the last one lets go leave her here"gally said

The last how many did that to her? I walked in and saw her crying and shivering on the bed wrapping herself in the blanket hiding herself because she was naked

When she saw me she covered herself more not wanting me to see her and she cryed harder.

I hugged her and started to cry aswell. I then turned around so that she could get changed i told her to stay here and try to calm down

Once she was calm i asked her"Leah what happend?" "Gally got in my room knocked me out.Then n woke up here and i...i...i..."she started to cry "Hey its ok who did this to you" i asked"All of them" she cryed"all of them like every single one of them"i asked getting upset about minho that told me he wouldn't"well...not all...all of the everyone exept minho,Jeff,fry,windston,ben and clint"she explained i sighed a sigh of relief hugging her

Suddenly i heard footsteps outside i looked out of the window and it was minho."NEWT?!" He screamed i went out of the house and said to him"What im busy" "did you find leah?" He asked Leah was already changed back into her clothes i looked at her asking if n could let him in "You can let him in newt"she said still crying
Minho heard her and ran in and saw her crying

He looked back at me and yelled"What did you do to her!huh answer me newt why is she crying i tought you loved her did she tell you no and you made her do it with you anyway did you take shuking gallys advise huh!!" He yelled at me

I stood there shook not knowing what to do thats when leah answered him"Min... it wasn't newt"she started to cry he ran over to her and hugged her i just stood there frozen in shock

Leah pov

I saw as minho yelled at newt and newt stood there in shock not saying anything thats when i butted in "Min... It wasn't newt" as i started to cry.he ran over to me and hugged me and newt was frozen standing there

Minho looked at newt"sorry i didn't mean to yell"minho said to him"its alright mate"newt said to him finally moveing over to me hugging me again

I fanilly got the courage to tell them"I have to tell you something i said to them"both of them look at me"i remember before the maze the memory whipe didn't work on me.i remember both of you" i said.newt looked at me and said"Please tell me we were not related"i giggled a little and said"no we dated when you where taken to the maze you where 15 and i was 13 that means that you are now 18 and i am 16 so your 2 years older than me i hope you don't mind.minho"i said minho butted in and said "please tell me you didn't date me too"i laughed "no we are related you are my big brother you where taken out of my room into another room when i was 7 and you were 9 you are also 18 now this is the first time i saw you in 9 years at first i didn't want to tell you newt because i was scared you tought that i was lying but i can any more  "

I looked at him and said" i cant live with the secret any more i love you newt" i said to him

"I love you too " he said to me

Finally the truth was out

If this happend to you and want to talk tell me

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