Radioactive: A Janoskians "Fanfic"

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To be completely honest guys this is more of a bullying story as opposed to a 'fanfic'. Actually basically the only reason the Janoskians are in this is because i needed twins and what better twins the Luke and Jai. Please don't judge it because of that. I also understand this isnt how they actually are in real life so no hate for that. Enjoy :) (note: the brothers name is jayson so watch if i put jay- brother or jai-janoskian. Sorry to make it confusing but i used that name before i picked who the twins were going to be)


"Wake up slut" a pillow hits me in the face. I groan and roll over falling back asleep. Twenty minutes later I drag myself out of bed to the smell of pancakes. "Where's mom?" I whisper so softly i figured he wouldn't hear me. He didn't. "Yo turd muffin." I shout. "Hmm?" Jayson responds. "Where's mom?" "Work i guess...pancakes are done. You want syrup get it yourself. First day so be ready in forty" I give him a fake smile and he goes upstairs. I curse softly to myself as I drop a pancake on the ground. Five minutes later I'm done. 'Wow, new record' I think to myself. I trudge up the steps and into my room plopping down on my bed i reach for my phone. It's not there. 'Damn, Jayson knows me too well''. I release a huge sigh and stand up needing to get ready. I grab clothes, a towel and radio then wander to the bathroom.

"It's a revolution i suppose. We're painted red to fit right in. Oohoh" "SHUT UP YOU SUCK AT SINGING" Jay hisses. I stop singing and finish rinsing the conditioner out of my hair. I sigh before stepping out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around my head I pull on my clothes. I brush my teeth and do my makeup before taking the towel off my head exposing ym chocolate brown locks. 'I only have 10 minutes' I think to myself 'No time to dry it. I'll braid it' I conclude. I finish the braid with a bright green ribbon to match my shirt. I throw all my supplies in my backpack and go downstairs. "Let's go" I mumble. I look up at him. He's dressed in a white button down shirt, slacks and a tie. All of the sudden it hits me. "Noooo! I am NOT wearing a uniform!! Nuh uh no way!" "I put it on your bed go change. We're late and i have papers to sign." I'm pretty sure i have the only 17-year-old, loves to party, drink and smoke older brother who would enroll us in a private school. I throw own the uniform and groan over how ugly it is. I tuck my grandmas' pearl necklace into the shirt and whisper "We'll be home soon" before sprinting down stairs and throwing myself into the passenger seat. I still havent gotten used to the steering wheel being on the right.

We were silent the entire car ride until the school came into view. "Don't be nervous" my brother spoke reassuringly. "It's basically like the first day back at home." "Except we're in Australia instead of Pennsylvania, there's uniforms, it's the middle of the school year and i know NO ONE" I whine. "You'll be fine" Jay says before pulling into an empty spot. I took a deep breath before stepping out of the car. I could feel the stares burning into the back of my head as we walked. 'Wow. I am going to get lost in here' I thought as we got the paperwork. "I'm sorry sir. We need a parent or guardian 18 years or older to sign" the lady at the frount desk stated. "No no no. I already called in and explained this." Jayson began. Here we go again. Eventually who I assumed is the principal came and sorted everything out. We were handed our scheduals, locker number and combos. "Have a great first day and try to make a friend or two" Jayson said to me. "I'll try. Same back to you" He gave me a hug before we went our seperate ways.


I know it's short but i would like some feed back before i upload the rest. I've been writing this for over a month now so i have about 20 chapters pre-written. Let me know if you want more and I promise it gets better.

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