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My mom really is an alcoholic but she did move to Australia to try and find a new job. "Go up stairs" my brother whispers angrily. I nod and obediently walk to my room. I lock the door and start blasting music but I can still hear the shouts. "You're fucking useless!!" my brother shouts his voice superior over my moms. "Well you and your sister were fucking MISTAKES!" she barks back. Tears threaten to pour out at the sentence. "Brielle and I don't need your good-for-nothing ass around here anymore. Go fidn your own god damn place!" Jayson snaps back. "You can't kick me out I'm your MOTHER." I hear my mom try to defend herself. "I have the fucking job, pay the fucking rent and make the damn rules!!!" My brother holds his gorund. He shrieks right before something shatters. I shut my music off fling open my door and sprint down stairs to see my brother washing cuts off. My mom storms past me stopping to spit at me adn whisper 'Little pricks' before going to pack. I gasp at the cuts. They're all on his right leg. One looks really deep. I see the remains of the lamp my grandma gave us on the floor in pieces. "Jay you need to go to the hospital" I fight back more tears. "No. We can't afford it." He chockes back tears.

Ten minutes later she's gone. I hope for good. Five minutes after there's a knock at the door. "I got it" I say seeing my brother is in no condition to answer it. "Um hi. I'm Mrs. Landes. I'm your neighbor from next door." She explains "I heard the shouting then saw your mother leave and wanted to make sure you're both ok." She's the first neighbor to visit us since we got here. I give her a fake smile and relpy "We're ok. We had to kick her out she was a danger to us." "Well two young kids can't live  by themselves." "We've done it basically our entire lives." I reply a little harshly. "Well if you ever need any help finacially-" "we'll bee fine" I cut her off in an angry tone. "Please let us know, we'd be more than happy to help." she concludes ignoring my statement. She engulfs me in a hug before walking home. "Ya know she was just trying to be helpful" Jay poked at me obviously annoyed with how i reacted. "Yea but we AREN"T a charity case." I barked. "We might need it" He said. I knew he was right.

"I'm going out." I said my eyes threatening to overflow. "No." My brother put his arm out to stop me. I pushed it away. "Yes." I fought back before walking out and slamming the door. The weather had turn sour making me wish I had a jacket. My mind races a million miles an hour. Where do I go? I grab my longboard which is my only memory of the way my mom used to be. Tears swelling in my eyes i drop the board and start riding. I ride about 5 blocks down before turning up barely missing a car. 'I wanna go home I wanna go home I wanna go home' I think over and over. I don't just want to go back to my house i want to go back to when my dad was still with us and my mom still cared. I think back to my 5th birthday. Four months before my dad took up drugs.


"Wakey wakey sunshine!" a voice tickled me. My eyes fluttered open to beaming smiles from my parents. My dad was holding a plate of chocolate chip pancakes and whipped cream topped by a cherry. A grin creeped upon my face as I started jumping up and down on my bed chanting "Happy Birthday to me!" "Woah! Settle down Brielle!" My dad chuckled. "Maybe we shouldn't give her these super sweet, extra choclately, oh-so-sugary pancakes." he joked to my mom. "Maybe not. She already has enough sugar in her." she played on. "NO!" I yelled falling back on my bed. I stuck out my lower lip and pouted. "PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!" I beg. "Alreight. Here you go" he caved. He hands me the plate and i squeal for joy.

I snap back to reality to a beeping horn. I swerve to the right barely missing my second car that day. "Oi! You're a dick head eh!" He sticks his head out the window and shouts. I flip him off and keep riding. A little while later I realise the car is following me. I speed up down the corner and take a sudden right then push myself through some bushes. After a minute I step out. The driver and two others were standing there. I gasped and took a step back. I recognize the one to be Jai. Instantly fear rose inside me. 'Wait.....LUKE!?!?!" I question what I'm seeing. I felt a tug at my heart upon seeing him. He was actually kind of nice to me.

"I heard you're messing with my brothers." the one said breaking the silence. "Ummm" was all I could get out. He takes a step closer and I one back. "I'm not going to hurt you." He spoke. 'Yea right...' I whisper. "I wont hurt you as long as you leave my brothers alone." he went on. "He attacked me." I spat. He takes another step towards me. I turned and dashed through the bushes ending up inside a park. "Get her!" I hear from behind me. I run to the opposite end of the park before dropping my long board and getting on. I take off but it's not long until I hear footsteps rising behind me. I can hear my heart pounding through my ears. My hands are shaking and are drenched with sweat. Now I just want to get back to my house. I don't even know where i am! Panick sets in as I realise I could be miles away from home. I glance behind me and see they're still in full pursuit. I turn up a driveway pick up my board and knock on the door.

A lady in her mid to late 30's answers. "Can I help you?" She asks me obviously puzzled on who I am. "Um hi. I'm new around here and I've seem to lost my way. May I borrow your phone?" I plead. "Well of course darling! Come in come in." She beckons. "Phone's right there give me a second." She walks outside and shuts the door. Some shouts erupt from outside but I ignore them. I pick up the phone and dial Jaysons number. I take in the house while it's ringing. It's cute. Very homey. She burts through the door suddenly making my jump. "Sorry my boys were causing a ruckus." She apologizes. "It's fine. Um what's the address so I can tell my brother where to pick me up?" I question. She tells me and i turn back to my brother and repeat what she said. I hang up the phone and turn to her. Standing behind her are 3 boys. Jai, Luke and the other.

My heart drops and my stomach twists in knots. Of course just of course this has to be THEIR home. "When you brother gets here would you guys mind staying for dinner? As long as it's ok with your parents." I flinch at the word "parents". "Her dads a druggie and her moms an alcoholic so I don't think they'll mind" Jai answers smuggly. She hits him upside the head. "Don't be rude." she scolds. "By the way I'm Gina and these are my boys Jai, Beau and Luke." She introduces. "I'm Brielle." I say shyly looking at the gorund. "What a beautiful name" She smiles. "Boys I'm going to start dinnet. Keep Brielle entertained. Would you like to stay for dinner?" She puffs out in one breath. "Um, it's up to my brother." I speak looking at the ground. She nods before turning to the kitchen and diving into cooking. We stand in a stare down before Luke breaks the silence. "Let's watch a movie." He says awkwardly. 


Dun Dun DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! What's going to happen to Brielle as she waits for her brother to arrive? Where will this take take her relationship with the boys? Will her brother become friends with the boys because after all, they're almost exactly alike. KEEP READING GUYS AND THANK YOU!!!!!!!!


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