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Brielles POV

Lucky me. I got out of the hospital in time to go back to the last week of school. I only have to survive five days then it's winter break. Thank God. Who wants to get out of the hospital and go to school though? We were supposed to be going back to my Nana's for the holiday. We can't now. My brother hasn't made enough money and with my mom gone it's really become ten times harder to do things. I always thought it'd just be easier. Nothing ever goes our way. It's literally impossible to do anything any more without breakng the bank. I tried to coax my brohter into taking me out of private school but he said no. WHATEVER.

The first person I saw that dreaded Monday was Colleen. She came barrelling up to me basically as soon as I walked through the door. She engulfed me in a long hug telling me how much she missed me. I finally wriggle out of her grip. "I know we haven't known each other that long, but thank you." I smile at her. "I came around a couple times but with moving into a new house it was near impossible!" She states apologetically. "It's fine, really, I understand." I give her another hug. When the first bell rings we head off our seperate ways. Luckily I have history with Sam. When I get there I take my seat next to Sam and wait for class to start. Not even five minutes in, Sam passes me a note. 'I know what you and Luke did.' My heart started racing as my eyes rolled over every word. I re-read it four times to make sure it said what I thought it did. I finally scribble a quick 'what?' and toss it back in her direction. She rolls her eyes and lets out a small grunt. Her wrist flicks smoothly and silently as she writes me back. She puts the note in my hand. I open it and my eyes skim over the words. 'Stop lying I know you two kissed.' My breath hitched in my throat. How does she know? 'HE kissed ME and I pushed him off. I swear!' I awkwardly threw the crumpled piece of paper back at her. Right as she caught it the bell rang. 

 I basically ran to my locker trying to stay out of firing range from Sam. All I could think about was how does she know? Luke must've told her. But I thought we were going to keep it a secret. I groan as I grab my camera and head to Colleen's locker. "Hey" I smile at her. "HEY!" She bursts. "Thank GOD I finally have someone I know in a class. Do we need our camera's?" Her eyes roll down to mine resting on my hip. "I'll take that as a 'yes'," She points and it and digs through her backpack. When she finally retrieves it we head off to the next building over. Colleen's bursting smile never falls from her face. Something's obvously up. Curiosity beats me out so I speak up and question her Monday Happiness. "What's up?" I turn to her. "oh not much you know, same old same ol-" "No why are you so happy and smiley." I cut her off. "Oh, that." She giggles. My eyebrow shoots up questioningly. "Welllll...?" I drag out the the 'l'. "JAI ASKED ME OUT!!!" She squealed. My mouth dropped, hit the floor and definitely broke through it. I didn't even know what to say. It's not like she knew he bullied me so I can't be mad. But yet, anger boiled through every fiber in my body. I forced a smile on my face, something I'm actually becoming really good at.

"Oh my gosh that's great!!" I shout a little too enthusiastically. My stomach flips and knots itself as we advance towards the bulding. When we enter the room I let out a silent groan upon noticing Luke's there too. His eyes wander up and meet mine and he gives a half smile. He nods his head, signalling us to sit with him. Colleen happily skips over and plops down right next to him. I stumble over and shift uncomfortably into the last empy chair next to him. Mr. Laudenslager walks into the the room and starts todays lecture on shadows or something. I can't really focus with the awkward tension between Luke and I. I turn to look at him and find him already staring at me. He looks away a split second later. When Mr. Laudenslager has his back turned I start talking. "Why'd you tell her." My voice barely comes out as a whisper. "Tell who, what?" He questions. "You know." I sneer. "I'm honestly really confused right now." He puts his hands up as if surrendering. "Why'd you tell Sam about our...well know." I mumble. "The kiss.?" Luke starts laughing. "It was a fucking mistake. OK?" His voice is much harsher now. "I don't care what it was I want to know why you told Sam about it." I snap right back. He stays silent for awhile. I release a huge breath I didn't know I was holding. "She wanted to know so I told her." He mutters.

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