Chapter 1: Can't Tell

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     Sprinkle was walking through the halls of Candy Charm School with her sister, Confetti. As usual, Sprinkle was texting someone on her phone.

         Confetti noticed just as they turned a corner. She turned to her. "Sprinkle, who are you texting?"

            "Same as always." Sprinkle replied without looking up from her phone.

                     Confetti scoffed. "Oh. It's that fellow YouStreamer of yours, right?"

                              Sprinkle let out a heavy sigh. "Yes."

                       "Look, Sprinkle." Confetti said as they enter the cafeteria. "It's Cherry and Nea."

                      "Uh, huh." Sprinkle agreed as she looked up from her phone and rolled her eyes.

                      "Come on, Let's join them." Confetti said with a smile as she grabbed her sister by the arm and dragged her over to the table. "Hey, girls."

                               Cherry and Nea looked up and smiled.

                                       "Hey, Confetti." Cherry said. "Come sit."

"Gladly." Confetti replied as she sat next to Nea. She then forced Sprinkle to sit next to her, again.

    However, Sprinkle had a different idea. "Ugh, will you stop?"  She shot up from the table. 

                         "Did I do something, wrong?" Confetti asked in confusion. 

                                      "Yes!" Sprinkle yelled. "I tell you constantly, I will never be like you." She scoffed and sat at a different table.

                                          "Sprinkle." Confetti said as she watched her sister storm off. She put her head on the table. "I don't understand."

                                          "I do." Cherry said as she rubbed her friend's back. "A fellow princess used to try and force her sister to be more like her and it drove them apart." Confetti looked up at Cherry as she continued. "However, after that princess gave her sister space to be yourself, their relationship got better."

                                 "Why are you telling me this?" Confetti asked in confusion.

                                              "I'm just trying to give some advice." Cherry replied with a small smile. "All I'm saying is, let Sprinkle be herself. Don't try and make her like you."

                                                 Confetti looked over at Sprinkle as she thought about Cherry's words. She back to Cherry and smiled. "Ugh, you're right. I'm gonna go talk to Sprinkle."

        Cherry shook her head. "Wait till after school, doing it now will only make things worse."

                                    Confetti sighed. "Alright."

                                                                               ~Time Skip~

                                     After school, Confetti looked around the school parking lot for Sprinkle but couldn't find her or her car. Where is she? Confetti pulled out her phone. "Sprinkle, where are you?"

                           "Oops. I forgot to bring you home, first." Sprinkle said from the other end of the call. "I'm on way to get you."

                                      "Wait, do you mean by 'bring me home first'?" Confetti asked.

                                             "Gotta go." Sprinkle said as she hung up.

                                                 "Ooh, don't think I'm not gonna ask again." Confetti warned as she waited for her sister.

                                         Sometime later, Sprinkle pulled into the school parking lot. "Hurry up, I have somewhere else to be."

                                          "Ugh, where are you going in such a hurry?" Confetti asked as she got in Sprinkle's blue convertible.

                                       Sprinkle pulled back out of the parking lot and drove home.

                                        "Um. Answer me, Sprinkle." Confetti said as she turned to her.

                                                "Sorry, I can't." Sprinkle replied without looking away from the road.

                                                   Confetti raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

                                   "I have something in Equestria." Sprinkle replied as they stopped at a red light.

                                    "Is it another collab with ShimmerCode?" Confetti asked curiously.

                                              Sprinkle shook her head as the changed to green.

                                                             "Then what is it?" Confetti asked, frustration in her voice.

                                 "I already told you, I can't tell you." Sprinkle replied as she continued driving.

                                                            Confetti scoffed. "Why can't you?"

                             Sprinkle said nothing as she pulled into her family's driveway. "Get out, now."

                                                       "But Sprinkle, I wanna know." Confetti said.

                                                             "I said, out!" Sprinkle yelled as Confetti quickly grabbed her bag and exited the car. "Are you still mad at me for earlier?"

                                                          Sprinkle snorted as she reached over and shut the passenger door. She then pulled out of the driveway and drove off.




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