Chapter 9: Finish Up

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        While Shimmer and Popsicle were in Sweetestria, "Are you guys sure this'll be done in time?" Coral asked in concern as she swept the floor.

              "Yeah. Cheese and I need to have time to plan the party." Pinkie added as she placed chairs around the center table.

                        "Guys, chill." Sprinkle said as she wiped the table and chairs off. "Once Solar shows up and does his part, we'll be almost done."

                             "So me and Cheesie can start planning?" Pinkie asked.

                                       Sprinkle turned to her and nodded.

                   "Yay!" Pinkie exclaimed as she shot up into the air, leaving a trail of confetti behind her.

                                  "Pinkie, I just swept." Coral said as she stomped her foot, sending the confetti back in to air for a moment.

                                     "Oops, sorry." Pinkie said, rubbing the back of her neck.

                     Coral put a hand on Pinkie's shoulder. "It's ok. I understand you're excited, we all are."

                                    "Really?" Pinkie asked as she looked around the room.

                                          Sprinkle and Minty nodded. 

                                    "We just don't show it in the same way." Minty assured.

                                            "Or we do a good job at hiding it." Coral added with a small giggle.

                                                    Pinkie said at her friends. "Ok, ok. I get it."

                                                        "Good." Sprinkle said. "Cause if you didn't."

                                                         "Sprinkle." Minty exclaimed as she turned to her.

                                                               "I'm messing." Sprinkle assured as shook it off.

                                                                 Minty rolled her eyes as they heard a knock.

                                                              The knocker entered the building. "Why? Hello, ladies."

                                                                     Coral rolled her eyes. "Hi, Solar."

                "Hello." Solar replied in his usual tone. "I finished my part of this little project of yours."

                                                    "What?" Minty said in disbelief. "How?"

                       "Oh, I've been here for a while now." Solar replied as he gestured toward the doors.

                                               Pinkie, Minty, Sprinkle and Coral followed him out and what they saw made them speechless. There was a paved path leading to the building lined with pink, purple, green, blue and yellow flowers. Next to the building they just came out of, was a tree. No, not a tree but a treehouse, complete with a swing.

                        "Ya like it?" Solar asked as he stared at their stunned expressions.

       "We thought you were just gonna do the path and flowers." Sprinkle said in slight annoyance.

                                          "Treehouse is definitely a nice surprise." Minty added as Pinkie and Coral nodded in agreement.

                                            Pinkie got on the swing. "Shimmy's gonna love this swing too."

        "I know." Solar agreed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Only, I didn't make the swing."

                                                 "Then who did?" Pinkie asked as she got off it.

                                     "Popsicle." Solar replied as he leaned against the back of the castle.

                                              "I didn't know he could something like that." Sprinkle commented.

                                                        "Same here." Minty agreed.

                                                "Royals, are capable of more than our subjects realize." Solar said as he put his hand to his chest. "Trust me."

                                       "We do." Minty assured as Sprinkle pulled a clipboard out of her hair.

            "Looks like the outside is done." Sprinkle said as she crossed it off. "How's the inside?"

                   Pinkie ran into the building and after a minutes came running back out. "All good."

                                "Great." Sprinkle exclaimed as she crossed that off as well. "Alright." She turned to Pinkie. "You go get Cheese and do your thing."

                                       "Yes, ma'am." Pinkie said with a salute as she ran to the front of the castle. Moments later, Solar, Minty, Sprinkle, and Coral heard Pinkie's car drive away.

                                         "What about the rest of us?" Minty asked, curiously.

"Let's get cleaned up." Sprinkle replied with a determined smile. "We can't go to a party, dirty."

                                           Everyone around nodded as they left and went home.




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