Chapter 8: Double, Double

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                 While Shimmer and Popsicle were at Popsicle's kingly training, Suffer was in her cave.

                           "Ah, Thief." Suffer exclaimed as she smiled down at her fox while they walked through the cave to a special room. "Ever since Torture went into hiding, I've been surprisingly lonely."

                           Thief yipped at his owner.

                                  "I know you've lessoned the feeling but still." Suffer said as they stopped at a wooden door and she opened it. "Now, we'll have a new mean one."

                                  Thief circled his owner, happily at the news.

                                       Suffer smiled at the fox's antics. "I'm excited also."

                                    The room they were in was the very lab Suffer and Torture were created. After their creation, the lab was abandoned but everything still worked.

                                        Suffer went over to the cloning machine and ran her finger along one of the tanks. Each of them were labeled. The one Suffer was running her finger along had 5H1MM3R on it. And the other had TW1NKL3 on it's label.

                                              She walked around the machine to the syringe insert. She put the syringe that held Popsicle's blood in it into the machine. She walked back to the front of the machine and turned it on.

                                       Instantly, the machine came to life. The blood that was in the syringe began to fill one of the tanks. It swirled around for a moment before taking the shape of Popsicle. It opened it's eyes and looked around.

                                   "Where am I?" the Popsicle clone asked in panic.

                                                 Suffer approached the tank, slowly. "Relax, you're safe."

                                                  The clone scoffed. "That's not what I asked."

         "You're in a lab." Suffer replied. "The very same me and my sister were created a while ago."

                                                 "Could you let me out?" the clone asked, curiously.

                                     "Oh. Of course." Suffer replied as she pressed a release button on the tank.

                                                  The clone fell out of it and onto the floor.

                                                   Suffer looked down at him. "Get up."

                                                           The clone nodded as he did so. "Do I have a name?"

                              "Yes." Suffer replied as she looked him in the eyes. "It's Mean Popsicle Lance."

                                                       "Hmm." he mused. "That's a little long. Can I go by something else?"

                                                              Suffer nodded as he thought of an alternative name for himself.

                                                                         "I got it." he exclaimed at last. "I shall go by Popsicruel."

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