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(7 hours ago.)

Mj was greeted by a short man at the door, this man had brown hair, on his face and face, his name was Paul. Paul was her husband, after Peter was taken over by doctor ock, she left him and found a new lover.

She hated Peter for being Spider-Man, he always tried to be there for her but it just wasn't enough, however durning her time when she looked at Peter a day ago she felt...great. This feeling she had she hadn't even felt with Paul. What was it tho?

Paul: "Hey babe."

Paul went in for a hug and a kiss, however Mj instinctively put her arms up to block him, Paul was denied and got angry.

Paul: "what the hell? Why are you being such a bitch?"

Mj sighed and looked at Paul, her eyes flickering as she flinched before the sharp pain of a slap hits her face. She falls to the floor in pain and cups her cheek.

Paul: "tch dumb bitch..."

He grumbled as he walked away.

Mj felt the hot tears coming as they treated to spill out of her eyes, but she held it in. she walked to her work office, she used it for normal stuff like paying taxes, after all she didn't actually work here, she was a model. Paul never told her she looked nice, he never did anything for her, she...she missed Peter.

As she sat down on her chair, she started to sob quietly. It was like this for a while, the charming man that was Paul was nothing more then a facade, she wanted to leave but Paul threatened her.  As she sobbed she remembered Peter, she remembered when she had been taken over by the carnage symbiote a year ago.


Carnage/ Mj: "face it tiger you just lost the jackpot."

Peter: you're right...about me I mean."

Peter tried to get up, but fails due to his injuries, he looks at Mj and he smiles, to carnage's anger she smacks and mjs feeling bubble to the surface.

Mj: "always smirking at me! You think I'm just a side always saw me as useless!"

Peter coughed blood and looked at her.

Peter: "you're wrong, I never saw you as useless, *cough* you are the only reason I continue to be Spider-Man."

He said as he held his arm and looked at Mj with tears in his eyes, Mj was shocked by what Peter had just said.

Peter: " kept me sane, by everything you've done, you're the only good thing in my make me want to do better..."

Mj: "LAIR!" 

Peter; "you make me wanna be better, I would have hung up the web shooters so many times so many times."

Mj: "SHUT UP!"

Peter: "I'm sorry I made you feel this way."


Peter: "Mj I'm sorry I made you feel don't need re goop to be useful tho."

Mj: "..."

Mj doesn't know what to say at this point, as Peter looks at her, and he pulls out a ring.

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