Chapter 15

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Anakin sat in his room alone at his small workstation. He had a basic screwdriver that he was using to fidget with what would be the tendons in his arm with his robotic arm.

His mind was on Yara like always. He missed her. He missed the way her body felt in his arms that night. And he almost let his mind wonder what other ways she'd let him hold her body.

He gently called out her name to the force in their way only they seemed to know how to do.

He was so focused on calling her he didn't even seem to notice when she had finally appeared.

Yara stood behind him watching him fidget with the metal arm she never seemed to notice until now. He wore his dark robes that she had grown to love.

Yara took slow steps toward him and gently let her fingers comb through his hair. Anakin, startled by the touch, wrapped his hand tightly around her forearm while standing up until he saw who it was.

"With the way you've been begging for my presence I assumed I'd get a warmer welcome." She said using the playful tone that always seemed to lace Anakin's words.

"Your steps are silent. I didn't know it was you." he jokingly defended. Anakin sat back down in his chair. And Yara made her way to prop herself up on his desk beside where he was working.

Anakin watched the way her muscular thighs spread on his desk. It made his throat feel tight as unspoken wants filled his throat. "I've missed you Yara." Anakin admitted.

Yara smiled slightly. "You saw me last night, Ani." she spoke to him. Letting her hands wander to play with his hair as they spoke.

Anakin leaned into her touch. Soaking it all in as much as possible. "I know but I need to see you more. My soul aches for you Yara." Anakin spoke. His eyes shut, letting himself bath in her presence.

Nayara's heart ached at his confession. She yearned for him to. Yearned to be near him every hour of the day. To hold him, To share a bed with him, to train with him. These few minutes they were able to sneak away from their separate duties were not cutting it anymore. And it seems to cause turmoil in both of them.

Yara brought his face close to his. "I do to Anakin. I ache for you as you do for me." She hesitated not wanting to disturb their peaceful interaction. "I need to know your plan Anakin. I want to be a part of it." Yara spoke passionately.

She hated being kept in the dark by both Anakin and her master. She wanted to find out today about his plans for them to finally be together.

Anakin huffed as he pulled at her waist to make her straddle him. Yara was straddled. And their close position made it hard for her to ignore how her body now ached for him just like her soul did.

He held her waist tightly and his eyes never left his as he spoke. "I plan to ask the Chancellor to make a peace treaty for you and him to sign. You are now high enough in the ranks to have the influence to sign it. Once you sign it there will be peace between the Republic and the Separatists and we can be together." Anakin spoke confidently.

Yara contemplated his plan. It sounded alright. That is of course if all the planets chose to not try to fight the treaty. Some of these planets seemed to like fighting. And this war had been going on so long it was all that many like herself had known. But she let all the worry leave her mind. She let herself be confident in Anakin's plan.

Yara nodded at the jedi. "Sounds good. Have you spoken to him yet? The Chancellor?" Yara asked.

"Slightly. He'd begun writing it up. And I believe he will reach out to you in the coming months." Anakin informed her.

"Ok." Yara let her mind rest. There was no use worrying about something Anakin and his Chancellor seemed to go over in great detail.

Yara gently laid her head on Anakin's Shoulder. And closed her eyes.

While Yara had been taught by Dooku that knowledge is power, in these stolen moments with Anakin ignorance is bliss.

Or at least she thought it was.

(A/n: So so so sorry if I'm blowing up your notifications I'm still in the early writing process and have been editing to make this book as well written as I can.  Thank you for reading love you guys <3) 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17 ⏰

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