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Hears the comment from your mother and takes a glance down at myself, realizing how different my appearance is compared to the two of you. I look to be in a healthy state compared to your frail physiques. I realize just how different our conditions and lifestyles are. My heart aches even more as I understand how drastically different our situations are.

I try to keep a neutral expression, but can't seem to keep the frown off my face. I hear her words as she comments on my appearance. I notice the difference in our statures, her skinny and weak frame contrasting greatly with my rather healthy and well-off appearance. I hold my hands together, trying to keep myself from gripping them too tightly.

"Uh yeah... I... I really am quite lucky, huh..."

Mom holds her close. "It's alright, sweetie, you don't have the fault of anything. I used to be fortunate once, but that luck ran off years ago."

I let your mother hold onto me and stay silent as she rubs my head. I hear her words and try to speak in a steadier voice.

"I... I'm sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what it would be like... to have your luck just... run dry..."

I frown deeper as I say the words, imagining what it would be like to suddenly lose my fortune at any given point in time. I can't help but feel even more lucky and grateful for my own life.

Mom gets all nostalgic. "Times were better when Oswaldo was still around with me and our son... But one day he simply left without a trace of emotion on his face... I still wonder where he is," she says. Suddenly, the name Oswaldo becomes familiar to me.

I hear the name Oswaldo and my eyebrows raise in familiarity.

"...Wait. Oswaldo? Did you say Oswaldo?"

"That's right, sweetie, Oswaldo Brehier, my former partner who one day disappeared and left me and my son to our luck."

Oswaldo... Brehier... My brain is suddenly bombarded with thoughts and I feel a sense of recognition at the name. My heart thumps faster. The realization of who your mother is referring to is dawning on me. I look at your mother intently for a few seconds before I speak.

"Wait a minute... Your son. Your partner. Oswaldo Brehier and... and your son."

I remember that the name of my family's butler is Oswaldo Brehier. My heart skips a beat as the realization dawns on me. My breathing starts to become quicker and I try to keep it steady.

"Your son... What's your son's name?"

"Miller Brehier," Mom replied when asked what my name is.

My heart is beating rapidly. I can feel my breathing become shakier as I listen to your mother's answer.

"...Miller. Miller Brehier."

My head feels like it's about to explode with the amount of thoughts rushing through my brain. Oswaldo Brehier... Miller Brehier... Suddenly, as if a switch has been flipped in my brain, everything clicks into place and the cogs start turning. I can feel my mind piecing together the puzzle, connecting the dots and recognizing the similarities.

I get all fumed up and suddenly tell your mom in full volume, "I KNOW WHERE OSWALDO IS!" I hear this from the distance and my expression freezes. I can't help myself as my mind suddenly comes to a revelation and I practically yell out the words in a rush.


I suddenly realize that I've practically yelled the words out loud. I realize what I just blabbed out and look at you, noticing your frozen expression. Mom pauses and asks, "Little Miss, are you sure of what you're saying?"

BrehierWhere stories live. Discover now