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As you and Ellen enter the house, Oswaldo and Arthur carefully lead your mother to the living room. With gentle hands, they help her into a comfortable chair, ensuring she's as settled as possible.

Rose approaches, her eyes filled with concern as she takes in your mother's exhausted form. "You look so tired, dear. Please, rest here for a moment. I'll bring some food and water for you," she says softly.

Your mother nods gratefully, her fatigue evident as she sinks into the chair. Oswaldo takes a seat beside her, his gaze a mix of love and guilt.

Tom soon returns from the kitchen, balancing a tray laden with food. He hands it to Oswaldo, instructing him, "Here, feed her slowly. She needs to regain her strength gradually."

Oswaldo takes the tray with a nod, carefully spooning some food into a small bowl and offering it to your mother. "Gloriana, please eat something. You need to get your strength back."

Despite her weariness, your mother manages a few small bites. Her hand trembles as she lifts the spoon, a sign of her weakened state. Tom and Rose watch with concern, their hearts heavy with empathy. Ellen and Arthur look on, their faces reflecting sadness and helplessness.

You move to Ellen's side, grasping her hand and leaning in to kiss her cheek as a token of gratitude for her support. Ellen's eyes soften as she returns your gesture with a tender smile. "I'm just glad you're here, safe and sound. I was so worried about you..."

You acknowledge her kindness. "It was all possible because you gave me a chance. Hadn't you accepted a date with a 'dirty looking teen,' this wouldn't have been possible. Your parents raised you well."

Ellen smiles warmly, her eyes sparkling. "You're not dirty, you're just... unconventional. And that's what made you interesting to me. To us. My parents have always taught me to look beyond appearances, to understand that people are more than just what they seem. You proved it today."

You squeeze her hand a bit tighter, appreciating her words. "Yeah... Maybe you're right." You both turn your attention back to Oswaldo, who continues to feed your mother, each spoonful a small step towards her recovery.

Tom, Rose, and Arthur observe Oswaldo's careful feeding with a mix of hope and anxiety, knowing each bite is crucial for restoring her strength. Rose approaches Oswaldo, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Oswaldo, you should eat something too. You need your strength as well."

Oswaldo, though grateful, looks weary. "Thank you, Rose. I... I'm not really hungry. I just want to make sure Gloriana gets her energy back first."

Rose's tone is gentle yet firm. "You won't be of any use to her if you collapse from exhaustion too. Please, eat something as well. You need to take care of yourself."

Tom nods in agreement. "She's right, Oswaldo. You need to keep your own strength up if you want to support Gloriana. You've both been through a lot, and you both need rest and nourishment."

Oswaldo finally relents, looking torn. "Alright, alright... I'll eat something. But only after I make sure Gloriana gets enough food."

Tom and Rose exchange a relieved glance, appreciating his devotion but knowing he needs to care for himself too. Arthur steps closer, a small smile on his face. "Don't worry, Oswaldo. We'll make sure Gloriana gets fed. You should also pay attention to your own health."

Tom and Rose return from the kitchen, each carrying a plate of food for you. Tom sets yours down in front of you with a warm smile. "Here you go, my boy. You've been through a lot today as well. You must be hungry."

You look at him with gratitude. "Thank you very much, sir."

Tom pats you on the shoulder, his expression kind. "No need to call me sir, young man. Just Tom is fine. We're here to help each other, after all."

Rose smiles gently at you. "That's right. We're all in this together. Now, dig in and get some food in your stomach. You need to be strong too."

That night, you and your mother fall into a deep, peaceful sleep for the first time in years, your bodies finally content with a full stomach. The house is quiet, with only the soft breaths of sleeping family members filling the silence.

Several months later...

"Miller! Please make sure to return safely! And buy Ellen something pretty!" your mother calls out as she stands at the sink, washing dishes.

"Okay! It's just a date, Ma! We'll be fine! Love you!" you reply from the street.

"We'll be back safely, Miss!" Ellen says as she pulls you along with a firm grip, heading towards town. You match her pace, feeling the excitement of the day ahead.

The town is bustling with activity, people going about their business, unaware of the adventures you and Ellen are about to have. As you walk hand-in-hand, the air is filled with the sounds of street vendors and children's laughter.

Back home, your parents bid Tom and Rose good luck on their business trip, promising to take care of Ellen and Arthur. Arthur heads to his car, focused on opening up his popular pastry shop.

Arthur drives off, his mind on the morning rush at the shop. Your parents wave goodbye from the driveway before returning inside, ready to enjoy a quiet day at home.

They enter the room, now a warm and cozy space filled with antiques from your old home. As they take in the familiar surroundings, each item evokes memories of their past life.

Mom gently touches the back of an old armchair, while Dad opens a drawer in an old dresser, revealing photo albums and trinkets. They share a bittersweet smile as they sift through the items, nostalgia filling the room.

They discuss your relationship with Ellen, their voices mixed with joy and concern. Mom smiles as she recalls seeing you and Ellen together, while Dad expresses his fatherly concern.

Dad (concerned): "I just hope he's treating her right. I've not known the boy for long, but he looks... rough around the edges."

Mom (comforting): "Don't worry, dear. He may look rough on the outside, but he's got a good heart. I can feel it. And Ellen seems happy when she's with him."

Flashback scenes show happy moments between you and Ellen—holding hands, laughing, and having heartfelt conversations. It's clear your relationship brings her joy and contentment.

As you and Ellen sit on a bench in the park, you reflect, "If we hadn't met here those months ago, I possibly wouldn't be alive by now."

Ellen smiles, her eyes full of affection. She touches your face gently. "I'm grateful I met you too, Miller. I don't even want to think about what could have happened if we hadn't found each other that day."

As you lean back on the old, creaky bench, it groans under your weight, causing Ellen to reach out with concern. "Are you okay, Miller? That was a hard thump you took."

You smile up at her. "I've had worse, sweetie. You know that."

Ellen chuckles, her cheeks flushing slightly at the endearment. "Of course, I know you're strong and tough. Still, I worry about you."

"Thank you for it all..."

Her expression softens further, filled with tenderness. "No need to thank me, Miller. I care about you, that's all. I just want you to be safe and happy."

"I promise, I will."

Ellen's smilereassures you. She leans down to press a kiss to your forehead, her gesturefilled with affection and trust.


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