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I opens my eyes and found myself in very strange surrounding. I rubbed my eyes and looks around. I'm in a very dark room.

Wait..... It's Vlad's room.

I realised what happened last night. Maybe we rushed a little. We just confessed our love and then did that thing. I think I should've controlled myself.

Aurora. You loves him and he loves you. You both made love and there's nothing wrong in it.

My heart spoke in his favor. But my brain is telling me that I rushed.

Aurora. Stop overthinking. Now think about how you're going to tell him that you're leaving today.

But I don't want to leave him. I want to live with him. How he'll feel after knowing that the girl with whom he made love last night is going to leave him next day?

I'll talk to him and sort out everything. I just knows that I love him and I want to be with him. I loves my job a lot too but Vlad comes before everything for me. He's one and only person in my life whom I loves, who loves me. I can't lose him.

I sat up and found myself lying on bed being covered with blanket only without any clothes. I'm alone here. Where is Vlad?

I look around and found his shirt near pillow. I wore it and got down the bed while opening curtains. It's reaching below my knees as he's so big in comparison to me.

I look around and found the room dark. Only light is coming from a glass window, it's looking like early morning. He's not in room. I walks outside while looking around. I can't see anyone.

I heard a loud voice from right corridor. I walks there and found stairs going downwards. The voice is coming from there. I walks to source of voice. It's completely dark here. There is nothing. Just a room on end of corridor. I walks to it slowly.

I peeps inside and the scene in front of me was horrifying. I covered my mouth with my hand to stop any voice and hides behind wall.

There a big man is standing. But his face is covered with red hood.

And next to him.......


He is looking very big and his skin is pale white. He's having long hairs. I again peeps inside and found him laughing like a mad person. He's having fangs.


Pale white skin, big body and fangs. He's looking like........ Vampire.

But are vampires real?

-"How're you feeling King Vlad?" That giant man asks him.

-"Now I'm feeling very powerful. Like I can even lift this whole castle." Vlad speaks in same tone which I heard last night before passing out.

-"I told you that after having sex with her you'll become very powerful. After all she is special."

-"She's very special as she has powers of mother nature. And after sleeping with her I got those powers and now no one in this world can defeat me. I've become the most powerful Vampire king in this world!" He shouts and the giant man laughs.

So from calling me special he meant this. But how I had powers?

-"I can't understand that how she agreed to sleep with you."

-"Just some touching and kissing, then she melted in my arms like an ice cream in sunshine." Vlad said evilly.

-"She can be ice cream, but you're not sunshine. You're darkness."

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