★ Unexpected Guest

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Persephone was sprawled out on her couch, Storm, her fat, spoiled feline, lounging lazily across her lap. She absentmindedly patted his soft fur, her fingers tracing gentle circles on his back. The long, baggy shirt she was wearing clung to her in that comfortable way clothes do when you’ve spent the whole day doing nothing, paired with loose shorts that made her feel even more at ease. The low hum of the TV filled the room, but she wasn’t really paying attention to it.

Her mind had wandered, back to the day she got these two beautiful creatures. Hunter and Storm. The thought of who had given them to her brought a faint smile to her lips, though she quickly tried to push it away. She remembered Hades showing up at her dorm all those years ago, a mischievous smile plastered on his face as he held up a cardboard box. She thought he was joking at first, but when she peeked inside, she saw two tiny kittens. Most likely from the Underworld, she suspected, given how quickly they grew... and their immortality, of course. Nothing from Hades was ever *normal*.

He had given them to her to protect her, though she never asked for it. "They'll grow big," he'd said with a smirk, "but they’ll keep you safe, Persy." And of course, he was right. Hunter and Storm were massive now, practically the size of small panthers, but loyal to her in a way only something from the Underworld could be.

She was so lost in the memory that she didn’t hear the soft knock at her door. The world around her seemed to fade as she was caught in the haze of the past. It wasn’t until Storm stretched lazily and let out a low, almost annoyed grumble that she snapped back to reality.

*Knock, knock.*

Her head jerked up, blinking as if waking from a deep sleep. She wasn't expecting anyone. Who could be visiting her this late?

She gently moved Storm off her lap, the large cat reluctantly shifting to the side with a flick of his tail. Padding quietly to the door, she hesitated for a moment before opening it, half-expecting to find some random delivery she didn’t order.

But when she swung the door open, no one was there.

The hallway was empty, eerily so. The warm, glowing lights of her apartment spilled out into the darkness of the corridor, but no sign of a visitor. She frowned, stepping out slightly, her eyes scanning up and down the hallway.

"Hello?" she called out softly, but the only response was the faint hum of the building around her. She sighed, chalking it up to a prank or maybe someone knocking on the wrong door. It wouldn’t be the first time.

Just as she was about to step back inside, she heard it—**that** voice.

"Hey, Persy."

The sound froze her in place, her hand still gripping the door handle. She knew that voice, could recognize it anywhere, even after all these years. Her heart skipped a beat, her pulse quickening as she slowly turned around.

But she didn’t have to look to know who was standing behind her.



And just like that, her world tilted off it's axis.

HEHE, sorry for not writing much. And also kinda changing the story a little. Kinda lost interest for a moment, plus a little personal life stuff. But I made a lot of parts now. And hopefully you guys like? Feel free to give me some ideas.

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