Therapist Friend

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 TW: mentions of sh and suic!d£
Please don't read if you will get triggered <3
Stay Safe and I love you all xx <3

So I don't have any friends to tell this too because it's about them. 
This is about 3 people by the way so you don't get confused.
I call myself the "therapist friend" and lately it's been hitting me.

In the space of a week I've had two people tell me they sh and two people want to d!e/k!ll themselves. I always say they can tell me anything but I just feel like they rely on me a lot to "help them" if you know what I mean. I've been through it all and still struggle so it just reminded me of my bad times. 

Person 1:  Is a close friend but I don't tell her everything

Person 2: Closest friend out of the three and I tell nearly everything too

Person 3: Not so close but we tell each other the kind of things I don't tell P1.

Person 1 told me in a very relaxing way and didn't just spring it on me which I appreciated

Person 2 just told me randomly and he's told me before he struggles but I felt sick when he told me he wanted to off himself last year and now its coming back and just went "can I have some advice" and I didn't know what to say because I was still dealing with person 1 telling me the night before. I gave him some advice but said I won't be able to help much and that he needs to tell his parents so he can get professional help

And then this morning person 3 just randomly told me she is su!c!al and I'm just like tired of everyone telling me this and assuming I'm okay with it. Of course I'm okay with them talking to me and stuff but I didn't tell me friends when I was struggling in case it triggered them even though at the time I didn't know they struggled and I'm glad I didn't tell them because yeah.

Thanks for letting my tell you x

I love you all xx Stay Safe <3333

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