Heyy!! So I'm really bored and can't find anything to read so I'm going to write x
These tales are going to be about everything negative and positive I still remember from primary and secondary school, life and my special interests. So lets go before I forget everything or get bored :).
Primary School:
· The earliest negative experience was in year 1, we had to do a back massage thingy and the person behind us had to ask "permission" to do It and the person behind me didn't speak very much English and he hadn't asked me yet so I turned around and told him he needed to ask and then he cried and I got put on time out. I still hate both the teacher, TA and pupil
· The next was year three, I started struggling more in year 2 and that's when I got a tangle and in yr3 I asked my teacher if I can get it from my locker and she was old and slightly deaf so she snapped back with "we don't have teddies in year 3, we aren't babies" girl jokes on you, I have a million more teddies now then I did then:)
· Year 5......
· So on transition day, I was really nervous because I had a brand new teacher who hasn't even been in our school before, but I had Mrs M to look after me so I was fine.
· Year 5 wasn't that bad teacher wise, it was quite funny though...
· So one day Mr C was marking my work, I was sat on back row one person in from the middle of the room and Mr C was leaning over me skimming my work with his finger, and all of a sudden someone from the other side of the room shouted a question to Mr C, "Mr C, are you married?" and he laughed awkwardly and ignore them and carried on reading my work but he couldn't ignore them anymore when they carried on asking and even asked if he had kids so he put his head up and replied "yes I am married now carry on with your work" (something like that) and I tried so hard not to laugh. I'd known from the start he was married because he wore his wearing ring and often fiddled with it (id describe him as quite a nervous, quiet person to the people he didn't know) bringing attention to it.
· Year 6, I don't really remember much at all about Mr C apart from random things that happened when he taught me later on in yr 6, but I do remember PGL ahahaha
· So in PGL, I was on Mr C's team with my mum, we were meant to sleep there but I got scared in the night so we just went home. The first night we was there me and mum went back to our room earlier than the rest because I was overwhelmed and tired, when we were there I sat by the open door in a sleeping back eating cheesy bites from aldi and Mr C walks past, I immediately freeze as Mr C just stares at me like "What on earth are you doing Mia?" I say "hi" (I think) and he walks off and then I laugh so much it was so stupid. Mum was behind the door unpacking the suitcase so she didn't see anything she just heard me laughing.
· That same night I think, when the teachers (Mr C, Miss R{I think} and Miss L [ugh]) were waiting for the kids to come back I was still sat by the door and they stood outside round the pillar outside our room so mum joined in and me too (im nosey) and I just wanna burst out laughing because it was so awkward. I love talking to the adults haha
· So, we went ziplining at PGL, my favourite, I don't know if Mr C was scared or just didn't want to do it but we forced him too and it was the funniest thing ever hahahahha
· When they did the sensory walk, Mr C and Mrs M was scaring them ahah, Mrs M was tapping them on the head with a stick and Mr C was spraying them with his water bottle hahaha
· I didn't like Mrs L if you can't tell, she was a bitch
Secondary school:
· So ahahhahaha
· Teachers....
· First thing, hmm, ok so, One time in PE Guiseppe threw the volleyball to hard at my hands and it bent my ring finger back really bad, I thought It was broken, so I went and told a TA I felt most comfortable with, Miss Watermelon (don't ask where we got her nickname from), she told me i'll be fine and to get on with it and if it was really that bad I can go to the medical room. Obviously, I didn't go because I'm socially awkward and didn't really like the reception staff plus the medical room was so small. I thought it was broken because of the pain, I couldn't even get my sock on without crying. So off I went to maths class basically crying because it hurt so bad, when we got in and settled Mrs B mouthed "Are you okay?" to me and me being me not wanting to get the new TA that everyone loved in trouble, I said I was fine, Miss didn't believe me and asked me again, I said I was fine, she even asked if I wanted to talk to Miss Watermelon because she didn't know that I already had.
· Next thing was set in science class, I was petrified of fire, so when I found out on my first day we were using the Bunsen burner I cried. And then a few weeks later I got better doing it but then one day Mr G said that we can be in pairs but we have to try to do it ourselves. I was obviously petrified but I went over to our station. Mr G said we could have his area as theres more space. Then it was my turn, I kept saying know to G (my best friend) until Mr G noticed and encouraged me to do it, I still said no and I think he saw how scared I was and he offered to support my hand whilst doing it, I said yes because I wanted to do it but I was just so scared. So we did it, with G cheering at my side and when we were done she hugged me
· The next and final thing was at parents evening when Mr J said he could see me being on the stage when I'm older
😊 Some random things
My Tales
Rastgeleokay so this is going to be very very random but its going to have ideas for books etc that i want to do or we can plan characters etc and tales from my life like random (really random) because none of my friends want to know about the random cute b...